
I think you may have confused things. I’m saying she does an entire weeks worth of work in an hour or two. One day per week for two hours is about the extent of the work the teacher is setting at the moment. I’m not sure many people consider 2 hours schoolwork per week too much. Even though she hasnt done anything for weeks as it is as she pretty much just drove on herself and finished her school books ages back.


Excuse me bud, effing glasses

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Good for her I’d one girl like that, away in Perth 2 jobs all her life, say nothing about the other lady :grin:, though TBF she’s 6 kids and working

Yes you’re bang on days long enough for the critters

It’s nearly holidays lads. Forget the homework.

The INTO man is quite positive here on Primetime

Stop hiding under the table and man up

I’m doing just fine under the table, thank you very much

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The UKs attempts at standardising results has failed miserably.
This will surely be the same clusterfuck here?

Wrong thread lad. Teachers have fuck all to do with this part of the process.

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We do follow the UK on most things though

Teacher took a chicken fillet roll from him. Drogheda.

What are we watching here? Is he throwing a teacher to the ground?

It appears that way Des.

Teachers should be paid more than gardai. Thats a woman risking life and limb by teaching in the middle of the covid pandemic, getting assaulted by a thug who the big hard internet men on here would cross the street to avoid and the other students videoing and and laughing at her like it’s a joke.


He fairly smashed her.
The cunt should go to jail.


I can see him working on nightclub doors in the future.

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That’s so fucked up. Another fucked up thing is the response from so many of the kids. More giggles than pure shock that it should be. Kids must have been abusing teachers in other ways there for a while. That sort of action doesn’t come out of the blue.


Yeah and having the video rolling as well. That was a savage assault the chap that did it must be seriously unhinged.

His mate deciding to get the whole thing on video isn’t going to him much favours luckily. Hard to weasel word your way out of that one.