TFK Away Day

Yes, Runty is certainly on my wavelength here. You don’t want them to issue mass bannings immediately, which is likely to happen if we go in and abuse them straight away. Just make them think ‘what the fuck?’ initially and then pounce.

What or who exactly should we pounce on?

Should I set up a lovely ladies thread on arrival?

We’ll know, we’ll know. It’ll happen organically. Lovely ladies will work all right. We need to have the ammunition ready for the onslaught. What will piss them off? Pictures of celebrating England and Wales Ashes’ winners and stuff.

You what the new big thing is in Australia at the moment?
Wall to wall advertising for this revolutionary new invention…

What forum has been selected?

Perhaps a thread attacking the integrity and good name of Ray Meagher.

Well it is well known that they regard themselves as a manly nation, full of real blokes and all round tough guys. Peter Andre would surely have to be put forth as what the rest of the world regard modern day Ozzie men to be like… in the long term some sort of dig at their masculinity will invoke some serious responses.

Ok, I’ll answer my own question… Pyramid Tea bags :lol:

I’m getting slightly worried for the future of this ambitious venture - not so long ago I was associated with the Fianna Fail like failure of what should have been one of this forum’s flagship projects and I don’t want it to happen again.

Are we settling on BigFooty for this or has there been a final decision made?

BigFooty havent verified me yet… :angry:

I’m happy with Big Footy so will we get registering?

What’s the link, sid? I’ll edit the first post on the thread to include it.

Everyone happy?

are we going under different usernames?

Problem: The fuckers haven’t verified me yet either and I can’t log in.

I was having a problem with verification so I sent them an email. This was the response I got

There were multiple registrations from Ireland within a few hours,
which is highly unusual. All were on irish ISP’s but some gave their
location as not in Ireland.
Overall, it was very suspicious. You’re welcome to reapply if you wish.

I don’t think Bigfooty is a viable option anymore

Racist fucks


We need to revise our plan.

These convicts are no fools…


Balls. I’m up and running now too.


It’s amateur hour at the ball hop factory

