TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

Calling someone a Big Pharma exec is an attack apparently, I thought that was just from Anti Vaxxers…?

Walking around Dublin this afternoon the Fear Index is at an all time low. The introverts under the bed days are numbered.


Glad to hear it. I was up there the week before Christmas week and it was a ghost town.

I didn’t say anything about who I thought that person in the video was.

The chap you’ve just replied to in a fairly pally manner did though.

Maybe you might want to take it up with him?

The bleating on behalf of poor old Conor is hilarious. The exact same people who pretend to object to supposed “bullying” on the internet (and Conor has certainly not been the victim of much if any “bullying” from what I can make out) are the same people who have made vicious personal bullying/targeting of individuals and/or support for it their modus operandi during the pandemic.

The lack of self awareness is entirely unsurprising.

I never said you did, you posted the link though, in furtherance of the attempted muck-raking.


I found the link on this forum when it was posted by another poster some weeks back.

Strange that you have a problem with me about it. Very strange indeed.

Are you calling for all links to tweets to be banned?

That will drive the usual type nuts.

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That’s the way I saw him too. Sure look stay off twitter I guess

The big issue here is why is a high ranking Pfizer exec anonymously tweeting information about the success of their vaccine and being so pally and close with senior cabinet ministers.

That just exemplifies the vested interests in play here.

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This forum is just one big conspiracy theory.

Anti-lockdown/restrictions, pro-“it’s all a cod” posters now accusing anti-lockdown/restrictions, pro-“it’s all a cod” Twitter accounts of being in on a conspiracy.

You love to see them turning on each other.

Big Pharma vaccine loyalists now turning on their Big Pharma execs who are palsy walsy with gov cabinet ministers and pushing a pro-vaccine angle.

Fascinating to watch the right wing vaccine zealots turn on each other.

Sssshhhhhh keep that quiet

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Wasn’t that lad just reposting HSE figures? Paddy’s casting the twitter trawling net fairly wide.


All Paddy did was point out that he was a Pfizer exec and palsy with high ranking FG members.

Why the Pfizer exec deleted his account is another issue?

It’s all very similar to the Danny2care chap or whatever his name was. Throwing out very pro-govt policy tweets, gathering loads of followers under the pretense of being a completely honest broker when he was heavily aligned otherwise.

You’d imagine Paddy is getting his retaliation in first.

Dublin football


I heard that last night, in a bad way apparently. How could you go bust in construction* at the minute like :see_no_evil:

*They were taking on big jobs at tiny margin I hear

Very very easily

Contract at a price. Inflation kicks in everywhere except the contract price. Delays due to Covid, lack of labour, electricity and fuel prices etc etc