TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

Just goes to show the pandemic can affect even the most level headed person.


Shane is pretty much as you described him above. In his defence he came onto the Late Late show locked last year and flipped the bird at Ryan Tubridy.

He can’t deny what he believes,
He can’t be what he’s not

Best wishes to Shane in this difficult time.

I have a new found respect for the man so.

this crisis is really sorting the wheat from the chaff on TFK, some lads are getting stronger and others have suffered total mental breakdowns


Was just talking to a pal from lombardy. He said he’s lost 23 friends and acquaintances to the coronavirus.
If the same thing happens to me 20 of you lads are in serious trouble.


Everyone in Monaghan knows people who have died now

Isn’t it the same nearly everywhere…
I know loads of people that have died.

My grandfather for example is dead about 60 years.


Haha Haha that’s very funny. I was thinking specifically of various relatives of neighbours of mine who have died of Covid 19 in the past few weeks. You lads are edgy as fuck making fun of that I must say.

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Just the one lad and it’s very debatable whether he was making fun of it. I suspect he wasn’t.

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Wrong thread

Why was the outbreak so bad in Monaghan. Is it proximity to the 6 counties or several different reasons?

Cavan Hospital is a contributing factor to the high number of cases in Cavan-Monaghan.

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They go by in twos and threes in Monaghan. A recipe for disaster


Avoid Monaghan women

She had children up the stairs, she had children by the byre
And another ten or twelve, sitting roaring by the fire

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They’re trying to blame the Brits but really it’s the North Eastern HSE and the collapse of Cavan General Hospital. The hospital for counties Monaghan and Cavan is Cavan General. The containment facilities in that hospital collapsed and over 50% of the staff got infected, including over half the surgeons. Locally there is talk that a lack of PPE and insufficient stockpiles of supplies were a factor and even insufficient washing facilities. Cavan General turned into a super-spreader hub, most of the medical workers in the county are probably infected by now.

This is what RTE should be talking about but they’d rather have videos of Doctor Tony telling us that the lockdown is working great. The media has long ignored the concerns of the region.

Once the lockdown is over there’s a decent chance that this will spread to the rest if the country including Limerick, although possibly it would take a disaster in the hospitals for it to get this bad in other places.

@farmerinthecity is right, the HSE has fucked you and the media aren’t doing their job.


:smiley: :clap:

The overpaid, not-fit-for-purpose state media broadcaster does not want to cover news stories that might cover the governance of FF/FG in a bad light. They do not want to bite the hand that feeds.

What happened at Cavan General Hospital is a national scandal but it’s been nicely whitewashed by the establishment media.

That’s top class, Billy Brennan’s barn was their Cheltenham