TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

This is correct and there will be a hard price to pay for the establishment when this is over.

FFG are lucky I guess in so far as it’s happened in an area that’s already turned SF (partially because if the mess with the health system in that area).

SF havent made much of it yet but once they realise what theyve got on their hands and get their teeth into it I suspsec that they’ll do well with it and get results in the polls, even if the MSM dont want to cover it.


It’s a tricky one because, although it’s turning a bit, there’s still a raft of people (and media) that think any criticism of the response to this pandemic is scandalous in itself. There are the “now is not the time to raise this” merchants who want the focus to be on positive stories. We’re all in this together and so on. Of course, now is exactly the time to raise deficiencies as it could be a matter of life and death.


But but hold the line. Dr tony says ye are doing a great job so ye are. Just don’t get complacent

Stay the course lads.

Just stay at home lads. Hopefully this will all go away.

Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line is an evil Darwinian murderer

I am just going to hide under some coats and hope everything turns out alright.

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Just hold tough, another few weeks of hiding in our houses will prevent a second wave for the virus we have no cure, treatment or vaccine for.


Very very soon Dr Tony is going to extend the lockdown and say that it’s all the fault of thick Monaghan bandit men coming in twos and threes.

There wont be a word about Cavan General but the public aren’t stupid. The national consensus will be completely smashed within the next 10 days and the meeja wont know what to do.

Is everyone breaking restrictions in london today?


Huge crowds out celebrating the birth of Johnson junior.

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Boris Og has a lovely ring to it. Of course this lad is probably Boris Og a se no a seacht.

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You’ll need a fair few coats.

Borisog sounds like a Russian centre half

Or a stick hurling youth team from the Midlands.

British airways are completely fucked, it was frightening listening to the radio toady, Heathrow will be gone to 10 per cent of capacity by Christmas, hundreds of thousands of jobs gone, Jesus where does that leave mickey operations like Dublin airport? This is the biggest economic crisis for over 300 years since the great cold of 1709

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China coughs and the whole world gets a cold

Kissing the Blarney Stone.

Was there not a fella there wiping it with anti-bacterial after every kiss. Probably more hygienic than half of the takeaways which are deemed the only things that can open in the country.