TFK International Business Travel Thread

Pal of mine just back from a bidniz trip to San Francisco.

He was shocked at the decline in the place since he was last there pre Covid.

Loads of homeless wandering about?

Met a pal who travelled there last week for work. She said same thing. Always had the large homeless numbers but she said it’s gone horrible altogether now.

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Yeah and retail all closing down. Shoplifting isn’t prosecuted so in any shops that are open most things are now under lock and key.

Said he was advised not to walk around after dark downtown.

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It’s end of days there. There’s a section of society that you can’t prosecute and they are absolutely filling their boots.

The fentanyl problem is off the scale there too due to a ‘right-on’ drugs are fine attitude and encouragement to use drugs publicly.

Shop retail and tourism is over there.

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Who and why encourage public drug use?

Edit that to the point of making sense, maybe?

Democrats in charge there?

I thought it made perfect sense?

Who encourages public drug use and why do they encourage public drug use?

State based but, Democrat decisions I’d imagine.

Not what I had in mind when you said they encouraged public drug use but I get your drift

They don’t do enough to discourage it, same is true of Dublin, Limerick, Cork etc

Dublin and Cork city centres are gone to pot. You wouldn’t see it anywhere else as bad on my travels. Couldn’t comment on limerick

Dublin has been fucked for a long time, and nothing has been done about it as far as I am aware.

O’Connell Street in Limerick has a group of drug addicts posing as homeless begging every day. I’ve never seen one get moved on.

I was there back in early March and would agree with it. Stayed just off Union square. It wasn’t dangerous after dark as most of the crazies appear to keep to themselves but I wouldn’t have been out past 10pm any night. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you can’t walk more than 10 yards without encountering one. It’s more sad than anything else to see. No one with any real knowledge of it seems to give it any chance of resolving

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That was the case in that area off Union Sq when I was there over 20 years ago.

Difference is now that San Fran is completely hollowed out from remote working.

People in California haven’t bothered to go back to the office.

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I think that’s changing at the moment though. Big tech starting to put the squeeze on folks to either get back or get out

Was there last September. Wasn’t overly freaked. Will be going in September but staying in Oakland. I’ll update the forum.

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Agreed on both have gotten way worse. Cork has gone very bad since covid and is a shame. Limerick has gotten worse too fyi