TFK International Business Travel Thread

There is but there is no buy in for it. The thing is that for all of its modern day climate virtue signalling, California is a State that embraced the motorcar like no other and is built around it. It is a giant pain in the ass to drive places and nobody is arsed. New York in comparison is very much back with buy in at all levels.

San Fran

Me too. Itā€™s grand up near the piers and the bridge and that whole touristy area. Once you go down a few blocks itā€™s pretty grim though

In fairness, most US cities have that divide

Been a fair bit to Silicon Valley in the last few years. Nobody walks anywhere. And nobody cycles. Itā€™s impossible to do either. Any time I did walk or get a bus it was just me and the down and outs. It wonā€™t change anytime soon either. To get people out of cars youā€™d have to demolish the entire area and rebuild from scratch.

Itā€™s the same in most of the US other than the more dense north eastern cities and Chicago- though only within the city limits, the suburbs there cannot be walked easily.

A function of size so as you say it canā€™t be rolled back. The big difference with somewhere like San Fran is that it could be an awful lot more dense and there would be a demand for more European style living (vs. a Texas where they mostly donā€™t care) but the locals are selfish & block all construction. It is actually disgraceful what goes on there and sadly Ireland has been cited as not far off on the NIMBY front.

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Some buck.

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Why would you bother?

Mate of mine lives in the suburbs of Charlotte. You basically canā€™t walk anywhere. There isnā€™t even footpaths if you wanted to. Itā€™s also ridiculously sprawled out.

Apparently it is one of the least walkable cities in the US, which is saying something in itself

No footpaths but are there any sidewalks?

Warm in Vienna lads :hot_face:

That means nothing to me


Every hotel should come with shower instructions.

You still a tub in front of the fire man when at home, you are?


Pet hate of mine. There should be an international standard for showers


Jesus Christ, ye are gas! How long on average to figure it out would ye say?

I burnt the bolox and froze the arse off myself in the space of 30 seconds. So about 45 before I got it just right.


Iā€™d generally test the water with my hand, not my flute. Novel approach though

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Nah I like to go full blooded gung ho shit. Sure you couldnā€™t be gauging anything with the hand

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Iā€™ve had alot Wim Hoff showers lately. The clarity (particularly during the shower) is off the charts.

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