TFK International Business Travel Thread

Mugged off spectacularly by the ineptitude of Aer Lingus and Düsseldorf airport today.

Lost bag or delay?

Delay of 4 hours, then 30 minutes before new departure they change the gate meaning the whole flight has to go through passport control and security which takes well over an hour leading to another delay. We are sat on the plane 45 minutes now waiting for more passengers to turn up as plane is only around 70% full.

I anticipate that we will be delayed again by the time boarding is completed

Ruthless German efficency

And it hot as balls in the airport too

Tough draw there. Hopefully they wont try weasel out of paying the compo

I’m going to Pakistan in Feb.
Looking forward to it , though I’ll be dreading it before I depart

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It’s not Limerick,be grand

It’s not the place, I’m really looking forward to that, it’s just the whole rigmarole.

I knew lads who went there around 10 years ago. On the way to the plant, the jeep they were travelling in had an armed escort.

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What were the fitters in the plant earning?


Not 130k basic

The average pay for a Fitter is PKR 786,917 a year and PKR 378 an hour in Pakistan.

I started that per hour back in 1991. But went from IR£1.25 to IR£1.35, which was a game changer at the time.

How many pints would £1.25 buy in those days

5.10 for three pints of ale.

#businesstravel :handshake:


Currently on a bit of work related bidness in south south Eastern Europe, clue in the first picture. Melting hot but the hosts are firing food and drink into us, the local firewater is lethal tack. On a side note in the interests of research the female population from id say 25-35 or so are simply stunning.


It’s the photos of them instead of your beers and statues you should be posting for us!


Sorry there love would you mind if I took your picture for the esteemed members of The Free Kick… I think that market is cornered by the many dodgy looking lads on the street corners. Fake leather jackets in 30 degree heat…