TFK International Business Travel Thread

Off to India next week so the first time since before Covid.


On the way back from ZĆ¼rich. What a city.

What time does your train get in?


Driving or flying?


Going to pakishtan in January. Never been before. Looking forward to it a bit.

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Direct flight over and back from Cork :relieved:

What airline flies there directly?

Youā€™re not really

Through Swiss Air.

Iā€™m not really. I just thought about it when the thread popped up. Iā€™m really interested to see it, but the actual travel :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
I really really hope itā€™s not BA, and I really hope itā€™s not through Heathrow.

9.50 to Heathrow delayed until 11.15. Iā€™ll be late for my 13.00 meeting & will look really stupid in front of my british business friends now. Paddy with his sweaty, red face bursting into the meeting at 13.26 or something (cc @Tassotti). Aer Lingus is not a proper airline.


Flying back this evening?

Yep, now the flight is cancelled for ā€œoperational reasonsā€ & weā€™ve to queue up to see about alternative options. I was told earlier it missed its take off slot on the way over from Heathrow so it looks like theyā€™re just not arsed going ahead with it & will try to throw folk on subsequent flights throughout the day. This could work out beautifully, I might be joining the call from my couch but the other attendees wonā€™t believe the distressing incident & aftermath Iā€™m dealing with here.

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Especially on a Monday morning

You could have gone to Stansted at 7:40am.

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Iā€™m here for you pal if you need me. But ideally only airside.


Indeed. But you know what, Iā€™m past the days of going on a 6.30am or 7.30am flight for a 1pm meeting & building in huge contingencies & slack. Fuck it, if I canā€™t get on the next flight then Iā€™m going home. This is Aer Lingusā€™s fault & probably @Batigol ā€™s too, not mine.


9.50 flight! Sure thatā€™s more of a brunch flight than a red-eye!


Iā€™ve had instances in the past that a group of us needed to go to ā€˜the mainlandā€™ for meetings/training. Up super early, fly over, train in, make it for around 10ish, all of this well flagged in emails. Some English cunt will say ā€œoh yeah, the Irish on the Guinness againā€, Captain Banter looking for cheap laughs. On one occasion the training was around stereotypes and I brought up the way we were treated the previous day. The same chap didnā€™t even realise what he had said. Fuckin Tan! :triumph:


All (business) flights are red eyes. There used to be a poster who would lose the head when I called every flight to London a red eye. Ah those were the days.

Iā€™v strategically ended up near the back of the queue to arrange alternative flights. What a shame now if thereā€™s no room on the next flight or the one after that. I might just need an email from them saying they couldnā€™t accommodate me until mid afternoon & job will be oxo.