TFK International Business Travel Thread

Heā€™s undone 10 years of solid work in rebuilding the Ireland Inc brand.

What kind of bidness man isnā€™t flying into London City Airport?

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Itā€™s a lottery in the mornings.

Youā€™d imagine an admonishment and eye roll at Paddy will be waiting.

My advice is donā€™t apologise for being late on arrival. Simply say ā€œthanks for waiting, we best crack on - a coffee would be great thanks ā€œ


It seems Paddy wouldnā€™t even pay for onboard WiFi to keep @Bandage connected and the forum up to date with his business travel

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The Wifi on the new 737ā€™s that Ryanair have is class

This must have been what it was like when the astronauts were on the other side of the moon. All we can do now is wait.



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There is nothing more annoying than standing at the gantry outside of Arrivals where you can see the station straight ahead of you, yet they make you walk around the houses to get there.

The key is to not wait for the lift despite them trying to force all passengers onto it.

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I worked in Shannon airport during summers in college. One day at the queue for boarding an English fella got abusive when the plane was delayed. Actually first he started giving out when we brought passengers with small children to the front and skipped him, which we used so so they could sit together. Then he started shouting why werenā€™t we boarding, he had a business meeting to get to - the plane hasnā€™t arrived from Stansted yet, please be quiet and stop being abusive or youā€™ll be offloaded. Still remember this line, ā€œfucking stupid Micks, fucking paddies, this would only happen in fucking Ireland, I bet you were the top of your class werenā€™t youā€. In hindsight he must have been off his head. Offloaded and banned from travelling on Ryanair again. More roaring and shouting. Leave the queue quietly or I call airport police to have you removed. More roaring and shouting. Call airport police. He ran away then.


Fucking give it to them @Bandage, give it to them good and proper


Did @Tassotti apologise when he sobered up?


Itā€™s been too long. Iā€™m fearing the worst

Itā€™s hard to type when your running down train platforms with your laptop and pencil case inside in your kids school bag

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Seems one of my comrades has run into a bit of trouble in cdg with aer France.

He had a return trip out on Friday morning and home today. He missed his flight Friday and ended up getting on an aer Lingus one instead.

He turned today only for them to tell him flight was resold because he didnā€™t check in for the first flight.

Is there a way of getting cheaper flights if you change VPN or something ? Thought I saw something before on it.

@Copper_pipe you could be the man here

Flight was held above Heathrow for ages, waiting for a slot to land. Signal faults all over the Underground then & weā€™re crawling between stations. This has been an absolute shitshow. Iā€™m still making my way towards the meeting destination, new eta 14.26. Iā€™ve updated them but I havenā€™t apologised. 14.26 could be ambitious, I might get the last hour of the meeting.


Just tell them to boil the kettle, and give you the bullet points