TFK International Business Travel Thread


Sounds like @Batigol made a right cunt of you.

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The ā€˜go to moveā€™ here is to forward an amended agenda

14.45 - Introductionsā€¦

Jesus. This is is getting like last years DCM. Come on @Bandage .


I arrived at 14.46 & took my seat without using the words ā€œsorryā€ or ā€œapologiseā€. Weā€™ve just paused for a well deserved break.


You shouldā€™ve asked them to speed it up a little as you want to fit in Madame Tussauds before catching the 7pm flight from Heathrow

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Not business travel but my fellow passengers and I were on the plane on the tarmac for three hours last Wednesday before we took off while the captain relayed a load of lame excuses.
When we got near SFO we were put into a holding pattern for 40 minutes and not allowed land as Air Force One was in the Bay Area and would have to have cleared off before we would be allowed land.

And thereā€™s no talking to them pilots when theyā€™ve their minds made up too

What an exceptional day of bidness @Bandage has treated us to here. To think Covid nearly put a halt to the value clients derive from such encounters.

Hopefully the Sasanaigh released you in time for the return flight?


@bandage doing an exceptional job of ensuring he wonā€™t be sent on bizness travel again for a while.


I hope he was wearing a shirt the same colour as sweaty armpits.

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Meeting finished on time at 16.00. Return 18.10 flight was delayed to 18.45, we were sitting on the plane when Captain Tony Black announced we wouldnā€™t be taxiing down to the take off area until 19.25! A backlog of flights after some inclement weather in London this afternoon. We eventually took off at 19.40. I was back in my house at 21.10 after a speedy exit from DUB. A shambles really - I left at 7.30 for a 13.00 meeting I could have dialled into & I missed over half of it! I donā€™t think I want to do business travel or be a businessman anymore. :sob:


Day tripping is for mugs. You need an overnighter at least. Schedule individual face to face meetings next day with some of the attendees to ā€˜follow upā€™ and ā€˜circle backā€™.


Overnighters arenā€™t very nice either.

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I have seven weeks of travel between the end of October and middle of December. It is going to be utter hardship


The nicest way is to do two or three one week or so trips spread through the year, and itā€™s a real privilege and a great experience, but itā€™s nicer in your own bed.

The novelty of it quickly wares off.

I enjoy going to sites and dealing with the folks there. A new audience for my yarns and quips but the intensity of the days and the time wasted travelling or stuck in a hotel on the outskirts of a city is an awful pain.


I know this is probably a grass is always greener opinion but Iā€™d love a lot of international business travel. All Iā€™ve ever done is go up to Belfast and thrash those clowns some absolute basics about spotting fake documents

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Monday to thursday. Optimal

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