TFK International Business Travel Thread

16°C in Vienna :hot_face:

meh, it was over 25 in rio last week :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We go again. I’ve to rally myself for the trials of another 10 hours travelling to get to nuremburg

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Match to the beat of your own drum.

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Don’t bother looking for the place where the Nazis used to have the rallies. Nothing left of it.

AFAICS the zeppelin terminal and congress hall still stand

I’ll check it out after fruhstuck in the morning

930 flight. Hit Dublin airport at 830. Through to gate by 845. Barely a soul in the airport this morning. Eerie.

Schipol and on to Utrecht. Direct train from airport, 40 mins to Utrecht. Honrale organisation from the swamp Germans


Will you pick up a few Stroopwafels on the way back?

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My brother has requested more exotic treats be posted than the humble waffle.

Have an overnighter so looking forward to an evening pottering around the place.


It’s a tough life lads. Clients and teams to bring out for dinner

I don’t know how ye do it, wouldn’t suit me at all at all


You don’t like travel or beer? Could have sworn I’ve seen you post details of foreign climes and in the beer thread?

The Dutchies must think they have landed in the third world when they land in DUB and all they can find are buses.

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I like both those things, but I like doing them with people I like

The idea of travelling alone and staying in hotel rooms alone and drinking alone or with strangers would depress me,
That’s just me, not a judgement of any type


Dublin is such a backwards airport


I did it for a few years.

I would pretty much agree with your view.


I couldn’t imagine anything worse.


Dutch lad in a pub an hour ago was telling me how much he loved his two weeks in Ireland. “Yeesh, the pony in Killarney, magifishent. Than we in kinshale. Beautiful, beautiful. Me and 7 men, we like the fishing yesh, so we go out to catch shrarkchs”

“How big was the boat?” I asked him

“It was mohscht surprising to be honescht, it was little more than more than a row boat but schupposed to be a chartered fishing boat but we had our fun

Some lad up a few tonne and the only thing caught hook line and sinker was the swamp Germans!


I wasn’t far off being addicted to those in work a few years back. They are onrale with tay. I had to cut them out of my diet.