TFK International Business Travel Thread

They are way too sweet

Say what you want about the Dutch and cuisine but they fair cornered the tea-dunking market.


They fucking nailed that one anyway yeah



Couldn’t agree more, nights out with bland work folk are nauseating.


I’d sonner have my own company on Business Travel than forced shite conversation with work colleagues in the evening, particularly the yanks. It can be nice if you’re in a decent place with lots to explore at your own pace. With young kids life can be manic so the slowness of the evenings can be nice. But the long haul travel is a pure cunt of a thing. Harder to recover from as you get older.


Poor auld Naveen had to wear a doo rag today instead of the turban.

His feet cut off him after spending two days in the visitor work boots the site gave him. He will have athletes foot going back to India

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KLM has a waffle ice cream. It’ll change your life in ways you never thought possible



Is it a voodoo ritual?

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Serious deals get shtruck when the big ball of moss lands on the table.


That’s a fact, you end up talking about work in the evening because you’ve feck all else to be chatting about. I’d be exhausted from it.

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I think the key is to do it rarely, but when you do to try and go somewhere you otherwise wouldn’t see. The red eye to Heathrow is awful, but if you get the chance to travel, you, well I at least always seem to get more out of it than you give. I generally dread them before I go. Travelling in covid was the worst though, stress upon stress.
I’ll say this, long haul in a comfy seat with a glass of wine is genuinely restorative. It’s just getting onto the plane that isn’t.
Overseas hotel rooms are just not as nice as home, and it may just be that your mind tries to put a positive spin on it, but on the whole it’s a positive once it’s fairly rare.

AI related?

Some big shots and snooby cunts on this thread, no one gives a fuck about ye’re private life. What a crowd of wankers


Snooby lad sorry, typo, doesnt change what i think, a crowd of wankers

Hard to argue

Who’s stories irked you most anto?

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It’s tough being self employed, isn’t it Anto?
Have you got your tax done yet?