TFK International Business Travel Thread

The coward sits and waits for it all to kick off before jumping into action. You need to be proactive here. Get everyone on the plane to put their toiletries into one large bag, thereby breaching the guidelines for safe transportation of liquids. Then google how to make a weapon/bomb from liquid on a plane and act accordingly.

@Fran Being bland would be the best course of action here.

Did you buy any duty free?

Lob a Molotov cocktail over the back of their seat and once they catch fire open the emergency exit and throw them out.

Do it in Irish airspace and if you have misjudged matters you will be home for tea. Call Paul Williams with the scoop to get your story into the public domain first.


Just landed safely. Being a seasoned international business traveller I was positioned at the front of the plane to enable a quick getaway. I took it upon myself to get into a more advantageous position to tackle the terrorists should they attempt to try anything sneaky. I suspect that they may have intercepted my counter strike and decided to abort, or maybe it was just a dry run.

Thank you all for your advice

grand banter on display here :clap::pint::pint:

Lads heading to Edinburgh tomorrow-should I do a Bandage on it and shite on about it for a week?

For ffs.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 905631, member: 1537”]Lads heading to Edinburgh tomorrow-should I do a Bandage on it and shite on about it for a week?

For ffs.[/quote]

presume its a stag or something you are going on, wrong thread then

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 905631, member: 1537”]Lads heading to Edinburgh tomorrow-should I do a Bandage on it and shite on about it for a week?

For ffs.[/quote]

I doubt the itinerary of a lowly operative like you would warrant too much of a mention, pal.

I, however, am a top, top businessman.

Not for the first time today, you’re wrong again mick.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 905644, member: 9”]I doubt the itinerary of a lowly operative like you would warrant too much of a mention, pal.

I, however, am a top, top businessman.[/quote]
A good 20 minutes between rating my post dumb and posting that predictable response, me oul pal.

ok, have some self respect please,
flying on a cheap ryanair flight to scotland to look at a fuse box in some ironworks is not international business.
everyone knows Scotland is verging on being a third world country, cop yourself on

[quote=“mickee321, post: 905650, member: 367”]ok, have some self respect please,
flying on a cheap ryanair flight to scotland to look at a fuse box in some ironworks is not international business.
everyone knows Scotland is verging on being a third world country, cop yourself on[/quote]
Eh, that’s the point I was making, bud. It would besmirch this thread to post about shitty little trips to the UK. Cop yourself on, pal and stop trying to cosy up to Bandage.

I’m going to Dublin for a couple of days :clap:

aw, sorry for spoiling your day, enjoy the economy class and filling in the shitty little expense report with your 30 quid a day allowance, perks of the job for a menial employeee i suppose, do you even wear a proper shirt to work?

non stop from Shannon?

Deary me. You had the clock out, pal, did you? Yet quite incredibly the above response warranted a “well clamped” from @glasagusban too. My incredible business prowess rubs you two up the wrong way. No need to feel threatened as you won’t be operating at my elite level. Now, let me check how long I’ve spent between reading your post and replying to it.

How long was it @Bandage?

What’s a proper shirt, pal?

I was just having a playful pop at my old pal @Bandage after our very public falling out a few weeks ago and he seems to have taken it in the right manner. I just think this thread should be the reserve of major business trips like the time you went to Houston to broker that semiconductor takeover-a feat that is all the more remarkable given the fact that your spelling and grammar is so appalling(see above where you can’t spell employee while having a pop at me) and the fact that, as you’re from Cork, most of the people involved in the deal probably couldn’t understand a word you were saying. You are an enigma wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in a falafel, bud.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 905701, member: 1537”]What’s a proper shirt, pal?

I was just having a playful pop at my old pal @Bandage after our very public falling out a few weeks ago and he seems to have taken it in the right manner. I just think this thread should be the reserve of major business trips like the time you went to Houston to broker that semiconductor takeover-a feat that is all the more remarkable given the fact that your spelling and grammar is so appalling(see above where you can’t spell employee while having a pop at me) and the fact that, as you’re from Cork, most of the people involved in the deal probably couldn’t understand a word you were saying. You are an enigma wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in a falafel, bud.[/quote]

Please withdraw the repeated erroneous comment that a trip to England automatically renders a business trip less important. London is one of the main centres of commerce in the world.

PS, I’m a businessman.