TFK International Business Travel Thread

India the week after next.


Now that’s international businessing.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 917281, member: 9”]Can’t wait for next week. I have two absolutely massive transactions to close and they’re both top, top deals.

I’ll be in London all day Wednesday before flying back from LCY to DUB on the last flight.

I have a really critical meeting in Dublin on Thursday morning but I’ll then be back to LCY on Thursday evening to attend a business dinner before we wrap the second deal up (all going well) in a closing meeting in London on Friday morning.

I’ll then fit in a brief luncheon meeting in the city (with an eye to a future deal) before getting the 15.15 flight from LCY back to DUB. As things stand, I expect to be able to attend the Stokes Kennedy Crowley Alumni Dinner in the National Convention Centre on Friday night.

But that’s subject to change depending how the week pans out. Nothing is certain when you’re a businessman striking significant deals and engaging in a hectic programme of international business travel.[/QUOTE]
No red eyes mate?

No, pal. I have an incredible drive and focus but I also possess the ability to switch off. So I could be speed reading a 1,000 page business strategy document before going into a meeting of fellow high powered business executives at one moment but then calling @carryharry a cunt on here a minute after the meeting ends. My greatest achievement in business is getting to the top while being true to myself and steadfastly sticking to my principles. My refusal to i) acknowledge rugby football, ii) attend corporate junkets and iii) entertain customers at rugby football matches probably held me back for a few years but my sheer class was too much for them to ignore and I forced my way to the top anyway. I don’t find it unsettling at all actually; I welcome the challenge.

How lucky we all are to have this colossus of international business bantering here with minions like ourselves.
The “man of the people” touch he so casually exudes and the modesty* he attaches to his exploits are heart-warming.
As late as today he mentioned rambling down to Wexford Park to mingle with his own people…Magnificent. :clap:

  • All too rarely does he mention that U-12 hurling final that proved to be the springboard to greatness.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 917701, member: 246”]How lucky we all are to have this colossus of international business bantering here with minions like ourselves.
The “man of the people” touch he so casually exudes and the modesty* he attaches to his exploits are heart-warming.
As late as today he mentioned rambling down to Wexford Park to mingle with his own people…Magnificent. :clap:

  • All too rarely does he mention that U-12 hurling final that proved to be the springboard to greatness.[/QUOTE]

Great post. I agree with nearly all of it.

The only part I’d take issue with is that it’s an amble “over” to the park.

Duly noted. Do you have a “minder” when afoot in Wexford? Give it some thought for the future as I’d fear a tiger kidnapping…:eek:

boxty, a tiger kidnap is a proxy effort. They would need to take @Appendage[/USER] or perhaps [USER=1]@Rocko[/USER] to get at [USER=9]@Bandage.

Seeing as he could not announce himself in limerick last week he must be protecting something?

[QUOTE=“ciarancareyshurlingarmy, post: 918174, member: 464”]boxty, a tiger kidnap is a proxy effort. They would need to take @Appendage[/USER] or perhaps [USER=1]@Rocko[/USER] to get at [USER=9]@Bandage.

Seeing as he could not announce himself in limerick last week he must be protecting something?[/QUOTE]

I was happy to talk to locals much like Charlie Chawke had no problem speaking with visitors from the south-east.

did any of them have a tfk logon though?

Not sure but one kind gentleman offered to email myself and my comrades the rulebook.

International business and leisure travellers should be aware of major traffic disruptions in and around Schipol next week Sunday to Wednesday. There is some kind of a summit taking place. Roads will be closed according to my taxi driver.

Isn’t there a second “h” in the airport name? As in “Schiphol”?

Nuclear security summit.


I expected better from @balbec. Whether it was a lapse or he hadn’t realised, it doesn’t reflect very well on him.

@balbec badly exposed here as an international business traveller. I’d imagine this big shot living the highlife out in Poland routine is just a wheeze and the chap has never ventured beyond the borders of Kilmallock.

Bandage obviously has plenty of time to be reading the departure boards while he awaits his flight from London to Dublin.

I was in Dublin airport early one morning and couldn’t help but feel pity for the army of suited zombies as they filed onto the plane.

but you did not give your email address when i asked you…