TFK International Business Travel Thread

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 918781, member: 1786”]Bandage obviously has plenty of time to be reading the departure boards while he awaits his flight from London to Dublin.

I was in Dublin airport early one morning and couldn’t help but feel pity for the army of suited zombies as they filed onto the plane.[/QUOTE]

Pal, I’m still in London and I’m in between meetings. I’ll be getting into character at about 14.20 ahead of my 14.30.

beating chest heavily

Alpha pose

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 918795, member: 2272”]Alpha pose[/QUOTE]

Fill up the lungs with air, spread the shoulders as wide as possible… this also helps to discretely pull the cuffs of the stiff starchy shirt back slightly to display the expensive bezel. You are not to be trifled with.

A few sharp glances around the room and the meeting can now begin.

As key moments in the meeting present themselves, using your wedding band to knock on the table… can be very effective at distracting key stakeholders and show them exactly who is boss. @mickee321 uses this to great effect.

Get fucked

I refer you to my recent response to @Bandage

Greetings from “London Ity”, you bluffer.

I’m hurt now.

And still…

Absolutely shattered. Totally drained mentally and physically. Metaphorically battered and bloodied and bruised. But I’m victorious AND STILL the champion. And still the best project financier in Ireland.

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 919646, member: 9”]And still…

Absolutely shattered. Totally drained mentally and physically. Metaphorically battered and bloodied and bruised. But I’m victorious AND STILL the champion. And still the best project financier in Ireland.[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear you made it through pal.

What sectors of the industry are lightly to have a good 2014?

I’m off to New York on personal business today, however, an urgent matter has just arisen back in the office and I will be logging a portion of this trip as business travel. Whilst something like this might phase the more parochial among us I’ve been fortunate enough to learn how to cope with the unexpected from seasoned business travellers like @Bandage and I will be taking this in my stride.

The urgent matter has now been taken care of, I’ll be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the rest of the flight.

Signing out.

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 925633, member: 6”]The urgent matter has now been taken care of, I’ll be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the rest of the flight.

Signing out.[/QUOTE]

Sensational news.

@Bandage ?

I rolled forward a few days and guess what? Today’s strip perfectly matches my experience of the past hour.

[QUOTE=“ciarancareyshurlingarmy, post: 926009, member: 464”]I rolled forward a few days and guess what? Today’s strip perfectly matches my experience of the past hour.[/QUOTE]

Tell it to the judge. Just had a woman join our team. Recently married but in the late 30s. You can see the frustration build month on month as she realises she hasn’t been impregnated. Doesn’t help that the dreaded work phenomenom seems to take place every second week with kids wailing. I’d nearly bang her myself just to get her over the line and out of our faces.

[QUOTE=“ciarancareyshurlingarmy, post: 926009, member: 464”]I rolled forward a few days and guess what? Today’s strip perfectly matches my experience of the past hour.[/QUOTE]

thats’s a sensational update
making small talk with other stakeholders before the meeting by showing the married with kids birds in the room pictures on the phone of you holding a baby and talking about switching to solid foods at the end of the 8th month can totally win over these yokes and absolutely infuriate the single woman in her mid 30’s who has thrown her whole life into her career to fill the void and is sitting there brewing on her laptop waiting to hand out orders and create noise… frequent tapping of the wedding ring off table will continue to antagonise.

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 926064, member: 367”]thats’s a sensational update
making small take with other stakeholders before the meeting by showing the married with kids birds in the room pictures on the phone of you holding a baby and talking about switching to solid foods at the end of the 8th month can totally win over these yokes and absolutely infuriate the single woman in her mid 30’s who has thrown her whole life into her career to fill the void and is sitting there brewing on her laptop waiting to hand out orders and create noise… frequent tapping of the wedding ring off table will continue to antagonise.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 926064, member: 367”]thats’s a sensational update
making small take with other stakeholders before the meeting by showing the married with kids birds in the room pictures on the phone of you holding a baby and talking about switching to solid foods at the end of the 8th month can totally win over these yokes and absolutely infuriate the single woman in her mid 30’s who has thrown her whole life into her career to fill the void and is sitting there brewing on her laptop waiting to hand out orders and create noise… frequent tapping of the wedding ring off table will continue to antagonise.[/QUOTE]
Thats a fuckin belter of a post :smiley: