TFK International Business Travel Thread

Harbo has a new book out

From Spare Room To Board Room

This time next year Rodders…

Some good news but will still necessitate an overnighter. 1.20pm red eye will be a killer.

[SIZE=6]Now boarding: Lux-Dublin flight connects fund hubs[/SIZE]
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By [U]David Ricketts[/U] 23 April 2014
A direct flight between Luxembourg and Dublin has been temporarily reinstated following calls from the funds industry, ending a travel “nightmare” for professionals working in both jurisdictions.
Luxair has commenced direct flights between Europe’s two largest fund hubs, following a hiatus of over two years where direct travel between the two jurisdictions was not possible.
Luxair previously operated a direct flight between Dublin and Luxembourg but brought the service to a stop in October 2011.
However, the airline has now begun operating a daily two-hour flight between the fund hubs on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays until October.
It is anticipated that strong demand could see the service extended all year.
Dublin-based Sean Tuffy, head of regulatory intelligence at Brown Brothers Harriman, says having the option to fly directly between Luxembourg and Dublin is a “very welcome development” for fund industry professionals.
Audit firms, lawyers, fund administrators and banks that have offices in both jurisdictions are most likely to appreciate the move, he says.
“As the two leading cross-border fund centres, it is only natural that there would be direct transportation links,” says Mr Tuffy.
Mr Tuffy adds that without a direct flight, travel between the two fund centres “was a nightmare” and was both time consuming and expensive.
Door to door, the trip could take five to six hours, he adds.
“As a result, I think many from Dublin and Luxembourg either started having meetings in London instead or simply deferred travelling between the two jurisdictions,” says Mr Tuffy.
Ken Owens, a partner at PwC in Dublin and former chairman of the Irish Funds Industry Association, says the trade body wrote a letter to the airline in 2011, when the route was discontinued, to explain the importance of a direct flight.
Mr Owens says the new flights should be “positive for both jurisdictions”.
Dee Ruddy, a director at KPMG in Luxembourg, adds that there was a petition some time ago by the Irish community in the Grand Duchy to have the direct flight reinstated.
“Some of the larger service providers have senior people with responsibility for products or clients in both jurisdictions,” says Mr Owens.
“If they have to spend half their week in both, it is sensible [that] there is a time-efficient way for them to get there.”
Despite the new flights, the timetable is not ideal from a business point of view, says Ms Ruddy.
She believes that more often than not an overnight stay will be “always necessary” when travelling between the two jurisdictions, based on the Luxair departure times.
The flight from Luxembourg during weekdays departs at 11:35am, while the return from Dublin departs at 1:20pm.
“It’s better than no flight, but a 7am departure from Luxembourg and a late evening return flight would suit business needs even better,” she says.
People outside the funds industry had also lobbied for the return of the route.
A Facebook group called ‘Save the Luxair Lux-Dub route’ was established to put pressure on the airline to reinstate the flight.
The group is now calling on those who use the route to spread the word among colleagues, as continuation of the flight beyond October “is dependent on a high number of users during the next six months”.
Luxair did not respond to requests for comment at the time of going to press.

Back from 2 days in Central London. Got loads done

Any recommendations for a “business” bag - to carry a laptop and some papers maybe. Needs to look respectable in a meeting.

Need to replace the one I have.

Worth spending a few quid on one on basis of a low cost per use and buy a good one so you keep it?

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 941202, member: 2272”]Any recommendations for a “business” bag - to carry a laptop and some papers maybe. Needs to look respectable in a meeting.

Need to replace the one I have.

Worth spending a few quid on one on basis of a low cost per use and buy a good one so you keep it?[/QUOTE]

Check out “Made by Grandad” on Etsy, maybe you might like something there

British Airways will be launching a London City (LCY) to Dublin (DUB) route from October. They’ll be operating 5-return flights per day. This could prove useful for international business travellers and will likely provide at least one additional red eye option.

While tentatively good news, I hope this won’t mean a race to the bottom with Cityjet. I refuse to business travel with screaming kids or have to fish for change for a cheese and onion sandwich and OJ.

Any idea what planes they will use? A colleague of mine who has a semi-fear of flying likens the steep descent of the Cityjet fleet into LCY to an urgent next morning shite after a feed of Guinness.

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 971823, member: 289”]While tentatively good news, I hope this won’t mean a race to the bottom with Cityjet. I refuse to business travel with screaming kids or have to fish for change for a cheese and onion sandwich and OJ.

Any idea what planes they will use? A colleague of mine who has a semi-fear of flying likens the steep descent of the Cityjet fleet into LCY to an urgent next morning shite after a feed of Guinness.[/QUOTE]

Completely agree. A colleague remarked that this could be great news - push prices down and become useful for personal travel. That’s the last thing we want, I said. The general public disgust me.

Aren’t flybe or another British airline also launching a City-Dub route from October? Was announced a few months back I think.

Yes, it’s one of those type of airlines alright. LCY always seems to be close to full capacity so I’m not entirely sure how these additional airline slots are becoming available.

This is straying into general aviation so I feel qualified to comment.

There is a major terminal development planned. I believe they are already adding new departure gates but there is a plan to double the terminal capacity over the next few years. It’s the terminal that is the major hindrance to increased traffic at the moment. The single runway remains sufficient.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 971885, member: 1”]This is straying into general aviation so I feel qualified to comment.

There is a major terminal development planned. I believe they are already adding new departure gates but there is a plan to double the terminal capacity over the next few years. It’s the terminal that is the major hindrance to increased traffic at the moment. The single runway remains sufficient.[/QUOTE]

Very informative, @Rocko. Appropriate rating awarded to you as a result.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 971885, member: 1”]This is straying into general aviation so I feel qualified to comment.

There is a major terminal development planned. I believe they are already adding new departure gates but there is a plan to double the terminal capacity over the next few years. It’s the terminal that is the major hindrance to increased traffic at the moment. The single runway remains sufficient.[/QUOTE]

Despite the risk of increased scobe traffic, if it resolves the current ridiculous practice of going through security for connecting flights, I am all for this.

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 971823, member: 289”]While tentatively good news, I hope this won’t mean a race to the bottom with Cityjet. I refuse to business travel with screaming kids or have to fish for change for a cheese and onion sandwich and OJ.

Any idea what planes they will use? A colleague of mine who has a semi-fear of flying likens the steep descent of the Cityjet fleet into LCY to an urgent next morning shite after a feed of Guinness.[/QUOTE]
the queue of planes landing in City early in the morning makes you respect the work air traffic controllers do


A hassle free trip to LCY this morning and into central London - so easy.

Anyway @mickee321, whats the craic in Tel Aviv at the moment? I might have to head there for a few days in August. Should I avoid it at all costs or will things have died down by then would you think?

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 979733, member: 109”]A hassle free trip to LCY this morning and into central London - so easy.

Anyway @mickee321, whats the craic in Tel Aviv at the moment? I might have to head there for a few days in August. Should I avoid it at all costs or will things have died down by then would you think?[/QUOTE]

should be ok by then @Mac , ill keep u posted

Red eye to London tomorrow. A very early morning red eye on this occasion. Could be a contentious meeting but I’ll keep you all updated as ever.

Do you have a strategy when it comes to such meetings, pal?

He plays a sweeper to sit in front of him

Never commit to anything there and then. Step back and confirm by e-mail in a couple of days following Legal sign off.