TFK International Business Travel Thread

Is London really international business travel ?

yes mate, despite your wishes we aren’t part of the uk

It’s a glorified day trip for cheaper cost soup takers, not international business travel in my book

That’s very much a clamping.

I’m with @Kid Chocolate on this one. When this thread opened I had high hopes of fellas banging heads in Cape Town, of high stakes discussions and outrageous cultural faux pas in Tokyo and Kowloon. Instead*, we get a list of lads being made to fly to London at ridiculous hours to act as bean counters on various financial cockwipes.

Living the dream, lads.

*Whoever did the merger in Texas (mickee?) brought a laugh at least.

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@Dirty Hands Walter[/USER] [USER=11]@Appendage either of you go through T2 at Heathrow yet? I’m led to believe it’s a hell of a walk to the Heathrow Express.

No, pal. I’m a firm LCY advocate but I was concerned by the amount of students and people clearly on leisure related trips in the terminal this morning.

Posters like @Juhniallio[/USER] and [USER=553]@Kid Chocolate would be well to leave their inferiority complex and petty jealousies outside of this thread.

I’m a businessman.

As an aside, I’m attending another meeting at 11am and dropped into a Café Nero near the venue. I’ve never met the other attendees and I can now hear them talking about me two tables over. “I’m going to defend A, B and C but I’ll let him have some victories to keep him onside.” They’re calling me “Mr [my surname]” and generally speaking about me with contempt. Oh they’ll get their comeuppance alright.

Planning a business trip to LA end of next month

@briantinnion - any views on option of

Dublin - SF with Aer Lingus and connecting flight to John Wayne

Dublin-London-LA with BA or Virgin

Leaning towards Aer Lingus to SF to clear customs and immigration in Dublin

[QUOTE=“Dirty Hands Walter, post: 984491, member: 9”]No, pal. I’m a firm LCY advocate but I was concerned by the amount of students and people clearly on leisure related trips in the terminal this morning.

Posters like @Juhniallio[/USER] and [USER=553]@Kid Chocolate would be well to leave their inferiority complex and petty jealousies outside of this thread.

I’m a businessman.[/QUOTE]

Aaah, well that makes sense then. If you’d only said so before.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 984494, member: 2272”]Planning a business trip to LA end of next month

@briantinnion - any views on option of

Dublin - SF with Aer Lingus and connecting flight to John Wayne

Dublin-London-LA with BA or Virgin

Leaning towards Aer Lingus to SF to clear customs and immigration in Dublin[/QUOTE]

Do mate - it also doesn’t land at the international terminal so you can connect easily without security to LA.

Grab those easy victories ASAP as a matter of fact. Then map out your BATNA WRT A B and C. You’re in the clover here. Brits hate open conflict

Write an IRA codeword on a coaster and drop it on their table as you leave.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 984494, member: 2272”]Planning a business trip to LA end of next month

@briantinnion - any views on option of

Dublin - SF with Aer Lingus and connecting flight to John Wayne

Dublin-London-LA with BA or Virgin

Leaning towards Aer Lingus to SF to clear customs and immigration in Dublin[/QUOTE]

I’d go with the Aer Lingus option. Some people slag them off but I’m rather fond of our national carrier and have always found them pleasant to deal with.

Your choice is essentially between doing the short haul part of your flight this side of the Atlantic or the good side of the Atlantic. An internal flight in the US is less hassle than a Dublin - Heathrow flight. As you rightly point out clearing immigration in Dublin is a real bonus too.

Am I right in guessing you’re going over on aviation related business?

could you clarify if they are calling you Mr. DirtyhandsWalter or Mr. Bandage ? up to date on your movements are they? thanks pal…

Don’t mind re the day trippers on business flights .
What’s worse is the clueless gimp in a dunnes suit and a fading shirt, a badly crossed tie and body hair on his neck clinging to an over sized laptop bag for dear life all excited because he’s been upgraded from Ryan Air

it’s the inevitable queue for boarding to ensure that they will get their carry on bags (often stupidly big) into the overhead lockers on the London Aer Lingus flights which is a hassle if you are not flying solo

then you have the people who put their bag in a different location to their seat and then delay everybody on the other end

if you are flying on your own airports and flying can with the right mindset be a chance to have some time to yourself

The other give away is a bad watch. I love being across the table from the above described and the take off the jacket , sit down and reach across and out pops the the big clunk of a fake gold secunda watch … Dead meat there and then

There is a check list for this sort of stuff…

Crisp shirt cuffs hanging approx 1 inch below suit jacket, top of the range bezel popping in and out under crisp shirt cuff and beautifully catching the light as you outline your approach with some confident well rehearsed hand gestures.

People who bite their nails is also and instant sign of weakness. There is something within them, something gnawing and dragging at their very core. Keep plugging away with these folk, they’ll collapse under the pressure of heavy negotiations and cave in on any last minute requests.

Cuffs should not be worn. It’s not the 1980s.