TFK International Business Travel Thread

BTW folks the semiconductor merger that i was involved in last September is still in process, look like another year at least of legal wrangling on what is Intellectual Property , etcā€¦ also there is a danger of a monopoly being created as a result of this.
Ill keep the forum updated, those that know , know

I Closed a huge deal this week in the Bay Area @mickee321 , also semiconductor related , canā€™t say anything due to insider trading rules etc

I bought a second hand ipad off that laptec crowd in salthill before pal. I hope you got at least a 6 month warranty?

[QUOTE=ā€œTheUlteriorMotive, post: 992671, member: 2272ā€]Not aviation related business

Locked in the Dub-SF-LA route with Aer Lingus

Interestingly (this must have something to do with AL relationship with UA which provides connecting flight and perhaps a requirement to take min number of seats per flight) I was strongly encouraged to take a slightly later UA flight by the fact that by doing so business class on the DUB-SF route was only 250 more than economy and substantially less than booking straight business class to SF

one to watch for anybody taking a similar flight in future

Any tips for Newport Beach and Santa Monica as my evenings are likely to be free time[/QUOTE]

I fear we may have advised you poorly @TheUlteriorMotive. Was speaking to a colleague last night who recently flew LAX - LHR with Virgin on an A380. Said it was one of the most pleasant flying experiences theyā€™d had. They were flying business class as opposed to first class but the comfort and service were both top level nonetheless. Business and first class seats were upstairs away from the main cabin and my colleague state that such was the comfort and smoothness of the flight they were unaware that they had actually taken off and had to look out the window to check.

Still, thereā€™s a lot to be said for supporting our national carrier and clearing Homeland Security in Dublin so letā€™s not beat ourselves up too much.

Dublin-London is now the worldā€™s second-busiest international air route, new figures show.
A total of 3.6 million passengers travelled between the two cities last year - a 6.9% rise on the figure for 2012.
New International Air Transport Association (IATA) statistics showed that the busiest international route in 2013 was Hong Kong to Chinese Taipei on which 4.9 million travelled last year.
Other IATA statistics showed that in 2013 airlines carried nearly 3.13 billion passengers - a 5.1% rise on 2012.
They also revealed that the the UK was the top European country in terms of passengers carried on international and domestic routes, with nearly 178 million passengers, up 3.7% on 2012.
According to the association, Asia-Pacific was the busiest region, handling just over one billion passengers, an increase of 9.3%.
European passenger numbers rose 3.4% to just under 826 million, while North American traffic was up 0.7% at just under 819 million.
Todayā€™s research also shows that the price of air travel in real terms fell by 7.4% last year compared with 2012.

Also I learned today that I have an upcoming trip to the Isle of Man. Exciting times.

Any tips on Douglas much appreciated.

[QUOTE=ā€œbriantinnion, post: 999439, member: 6ā€]Also I learned today that I have an upcoming trip to the Isle of Man. Exciting times.

Any tips on Douglas much appreciated.[/QUOTE]
The high stools are engaging in the Ace of Hearts. Oh and donā€™t forget, the boat she sails at 12 o clock.

[QUOTE=ā€œbriantinnion, post: 999437, member: 6ā€]I fear we may have advised you poorly @TheUlteriorMotive. Was speaking to a colleague last night who recently flew LAX - LHR with Virgin on an A380. Said it was one of the most pleasant flying experiences theyā€™d had. They were flying business class as opposed to first class but the comfort and service were both top level nonetheless. Business and first class seats were upstairs away from the main cabin and my colleague state that such was the comfort and smoothness of the flight they were unaware that they had actually taken off and had to look out the window to check.

Still, thereā€™s a lot to be said for supporting our national carrier and clearing Homeland Security in Dublin so letā€™s not beat ourselves up too much.[/QUOTE]
Thanks - I will report back but with the direct flight to SF from Dublin clearing customs and immigration in Dublin is now very attractive.

The Heathrow connection on the way home to Dublin also puts me off as it is tough to mix in with Irish Sea commuters when you have traversed the ocean. There is a different mentality at work after a long haul flight.

No surprise that the Dublin-London route has such heavy traffic given London is the centre of European commerce and Ireland possesses many businessmen brokering big money deals there. Hopefully the immature barbs delivered to route regulars from the likes of @Juhniallio[/USER] and [USER=1533]@glasagusban will cease.

[QUOTE=ā€œTheUlteriorMotive, post: 999444, member: 2272ā€]Thanks - I will report back but with the direct flight to SF from Dublin clearing customs and immigration in Dublin is now very attractive.

The Heathrow connection on the way home to Dublin also puts me off as it is tough to mix in with Irish Sea commuters when you have traversed the ocean. There is a different mentality at work after a long haul flight.[/QUOTE]
Los Angeles to London isnā€™t a proper long haul flight.

Ok, Neil Armstrong.

Checking in from on board EI137 and having Pre flight drinks. I look forward to following the Kerry Mayo semi final en route to SFO courtesy of via aer lingus WiFi

I vow here and now to regularly update the match thread and Iā€™ll include the score in every post. I wish you safe and pleasant business travelling, old pal.

Safe travels.

Cheers lads. Connecting took about 25 minutes and I nearly gave up but I stuck with it

Just waiting for my dessert. Watching Noah - it is brutal.

Drinking a glass of Chablis.

The oul fella would be proud.

Half tempted to get laptop out and see if I can get a crowd around watching GAA go.

Up Kerry.

[QUOTE=ā€œTheUlteriorMotive, post: 1005339, member: 2272ā€]Cheers lads. Connecting took about 25 minutes and I nearly gave up but I stuck with it

Just waiting for my dessert. Watching Noah - it is brutal.

Drinking a glass of Chablis.

The oul fella would be proud.

Half tempted to get laptop out and see if I can get a crowd around watching GAA go.

Up Kerry.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE=4]Hereā€™s a link to a stream mateā€¦
Probably wonā€™t be enough bandwidth on the plane to stream, but worth a shot.[/SIZE]

[QUOTE=ā€œDistended Red Anus, post: 1005342, member: 2648ā€][SIZE=4]Hereā€™s a link to a stream mateā€¦
Probably wonā€™t be enough bandwidth on the plane to stream, but worth a shot.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Cheers. Tfk is a proper community.

I will try it but the tfk match thread will serve me well.

Making my debut on this thread and what a way to do it. Iā€™m about to board the 6.50 red eye to Newcastle before making my way to Stockton on tees. A lot of financiers head to London to make their deals and I respect that but it is to the north east you must go to meet fellow industrialists.
Pretty big deal in the making. I didnā€™t get much sleep last night but I doubt my adversaries did either. In a few hours we will be locking horns on a number of fundamental issues, no quarter will be asked for or given. I am travelling light, the only thing Iā€™m bringing is my A game. I will endeavour to keep the community updated, any advice appreciated.

[QUOTE=ā€œcroppy, post: 1014548, member: 230ā€]Making my debut on this thread and what a way to do it. Iā€™m about to board the 6.50 red eye to Newcastle before making my way to Stockton on tees. A lot of financiers head to London to make their deals and I respect that but it is to the north east you must go to meet fellow industrialists.
Pretty big deal in the making. I didnā€™t get much sleep last night but I doubt my adversaries did either. In a few hours we will be locking horns on a number of fundamental issues, no quarter will be asked for or given. I am travelling light, the only thing Iā€™m bringing is my A game. I will endeavour to keep the community updated, any advice appreciated.[/QUOTE]

When it comes to price/fees/whatever donā€™t negotiate with yourself.

Things like ā€œour fee is xxx but we are flexibleā€ is the first step to defeat.