TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

Great stuff mate

Watch showed 4.30 pace for 5.01/km but Strava has slightly altered that


Am I missing anyone so far?

By the way, in terms of route today I decided that I’d use a country road that’s about 1km from me. It would avoid waiting at roundabouts, footpaths etc. The road stretches 1.5km and is flat as a pancake. It’s relatively narrow though, and had to run a little on the verge as there was a car on my arse at one stage. So up, down, up, down a bit. It was mentally trickier than just running a 5km loop I felt, but in fairness the only places I probably lost a second or two was on turning around (wide load :joy:)

I was just about to say, you picked a lovely flat route … sometimes even going down hill, while handy on the lungs, can throw you out of rhythm

I live at sea level mate, everything within a 5km radius is flat. I went out to Blackrock for the 10km last month as there’s a small drag out to there

Great time @Mac. Nice flat course too…


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Not yet, mate. Psyching myself up here

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Gravity is my friend

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Hanging my head in shame here, couldn’t break 25 mins. But that’s all I had. Heart was coming out of my chest. Fair play to the rest of ye, you’d miss being in an actual race and feeding off of others. No excuses though, no up hill, nearly all with the wind, perfect conditions.


Muggy day mate out there. You got it done.

Thrown down the gauntlet to @Thomas_Brady in the (South?) Cork challenge

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Well done mate, that’s a fine time,

Gives @Thomas_Brady a real target for the Roco bragging rights

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Looked at your splits. You went out way too hard. I know you know this. You did well to hold on. Pace it better, and you are easily sub 25.

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At least you beat that bollix @Fran


Could someone even slower than me post a time soon please?

Think @Thomas_Brady is going in the morning so sleep easy.

About. 9am tomorrow kid

I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to embarrass myself this weekend

You could always go again.

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Out supping pints of guinness last night so I’m happy enough with my effort. If the knees hold together I’m gonna shave at least 4 minutes off this before the summer is out.