TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

About. 9am tomorrow kid

I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to embarrass myself this weekend

You could always go again.

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Out supping pints of guinness last night so I’m happy enough with my effort. If the knees hold together I’m gonna shave at least 4 minutes off this before the summer is out.


Will take times up until Monday/Tuesday lads. A few people are caught with various commitments and would like to accommodate ye all.


Was was @Bandage’s time?

Nothing wrong with that, 4 minutes might be ambitious over a couple of months but it’s a nice target

How tf did you manage an elevation of precisely 0 (zero)?

I second this amendment


Locke was 0 too, why don’t you bother him ?

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I doubt I could find any 5k within twenty miles that is absolutely 110% flat.
I’ll try Monday or, more likely, Tuesday. I’ll be doing most of mine on an overgrown path which ed calls “the path of misery”, and it’ll be slightly uphill. My knees aren’t able for the road.

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In your face ya Tipp cunt!

Ah shure Man the fuck up

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I wouldn’t believe a word that kk cnut had to say.
All you’d get back off a kk lad “ah shure lookit”

I’ll race you for your username until the next one, if you’re man enough.

Donkey Kong

Is that “yes I’m man enough” or “no I’m a barking dog”

Its on like donkey kong :roll_eyes: