TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

I dunno. He had the 5km on a lap time he said. He’s an engineer and utterly meticulous.
I’ll ask him.

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Is the segment from 3 to 7 the 5k and a warm up and cool down either side?

Best not to ask,

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You’re a gas man :grinning:

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I’m guessing the first 2.5km or so was a warm up maybe @flattythehurdler and the 5km was from then on?? It’s more like 22 minutes if its from 2km onwards

Vindication for @flattythehurdler

His time stands (maybe delete original WhatsApp chat as I could find this activity pretty handy)


Eh, we’re racing later in the month or in august, that’s when the race is. We have your word that you ran 11km at 4:58 or something. I’m on TFK over 13 years and your word means nothin (cc @Rocko @Bandage).
We’ll agree on a date, your Strava not someone else and over an agreed distance which is 5km

Typical Kilkenny welcher.
Just remind me not to bet with you in the future.

I couldn’t or didn’t want to run hard on the road. The first bit was running to the river, then getting over the rocky bit of track. Once we climbed the fence over palatine road and back onto the river, I said we’d go hard for five. Matty asked what time, I said aim for 4.45 per km and see how we go, and we ran at it, but I didn’t know what split times we were doing, or how far, just that I was getting increasingly desperate. We rested at the end for a few seconds as I could barely stand, then jogged home. I couldn’t do a straight 5 as I got home too late and tired last night, and I’d already promised I’d run with Matty this morning. Luckily no-one else showed up or we couldn’t have done it.

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You’re in good nick.


Brilliant running mate :ok_hand:


@caulifloweredneanderthal either ban @flattythehurdler for doxxing these English pricks he runs with or put him down for 27:56. We surely can’t take the word of Matt Cycling or Claire Swimming.



I was able to find Matt Cycling on Strava myself and can confirm his time.


How do we know @flattythehurdler isn’t just paying these lads to run times for him?

Because they’re not called Jeeves

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I suspect Matt ran it while pulling @flattythehurdler in a rickshaw




He probably could. You should see the bugger on a bike. He’s a time trialler, and a good one. He only comes out running for the social side as his wife had him under the bed for the entirety of lockdown.
The only person I ever met who brings a spare rear mech hanger out with him on a Sunday spin just in case like. (cc @balbec.)
He often came out on a single speed til we deliberately started doing all the steepest climbs and he broke one day :joy:

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