TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

I’m not 12 years old or into hip hop, but I’ll take that as a yes.
If I win you can have your choice of
McIntyre is a tipp bollix*
Wonkly toe*

  • I reserve the right to change up to and including Tuesday at 1159pm

I’ll try and get onto the Strava group before Tuesday.

10 times logged so far. Hopefully get at least double that.

Man up you cunt.

You can fuck right off

Hopefully get out Tuesday

Those were the lovely words you had for me a few weeks back.

I’m aiming for sub 26, I should go close


Great running there guys. Looking forward to getting out myself next week. As it happens, I rolled my ankle on Monday playing soccer so wouldn’t have got out either way, so lucky to have logged a time early. Going to start lengthening my runs, just at a slower pace. Have kinda just launched into all this running shite so need to do a bit of proper structured training for timed speed runs.


And you’re still not listening

Your choice is between

  1. GalwayGAA_WaistofSpace
  2. Sylvies_Saltynuts

Use my track kid, it’s fast and has potential for a great time

Where did you start, half way between Clarke’s hill and the Rochestown petrol station?

At the brow of the hill, just up from the Clarke’s Hill junction. Used the 2km or so to warm up (for what it was worth)

Got yeah… Yeah I suppose I couldn’t lightly jog down for a warm up…

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Loving the name on your runners @Locke :joy:

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Fuck that, go up to the Airport and bomb down the hill

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Waste or waist?
I enjoy a good pun mind you.

Donkey Kong btw

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How is unprecedented humidity been factored in?

Have gone bit faster this year, but content enough with that.