TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

I’ll race you in the 25 - 26 minute category if my Achilles feels a bit better. As much as I’d like to kick sand in your face from my clean pair of heels I’m not explaining a ruptured Achilles because of a faux internet rivalry

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Fair play for ploughing on and posting the time, mate. Others would have abandoned it and said nothing due to the INTERNET rivalry.


15 honest results logged thus far. Many more posters still hiding under their beds

Shur lookit, ju’know, we’ve seen how serious the internet is this week… it’s heavy going. But you have to be honest with yourself first. These are the lessons the INTERNET have taught me.

I’m on it. I’ll log my run in the morning.

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Banana pancakes with cinnamon, Greek yogurt and nuts… I’m still no.1 in my house


Well done mate, you deserve that


Fuck you :hot_face:

Sounds nice but why post up A pic of Bradys lunch?

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You’d be mad to go out fast again between now and Tuesday :grinning:
Hoping to stay in the medals, just waiting on yourself @Gavrilo-Princip and @Tassotti, unless someone comes out of the woodwork

Marking you down as 19’55 for the 5 mate?

You’re safe enough, might give one a go next weekend.

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Yeah, that’s fine by me. Thanks for organising.

I had zero (0) intention of doing this, but I don’t want to be called Sylvie’s salty nuts without a fight

done LSR fifteen miles this morning and I’m going for porter now, Have a very handy five k from yesterday I don’t make it before the cut off

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I think he should use above. More accurate reflection.

That was three weeks ago mate. The committee deems it ineligible. We are happy for @wexford1996 to submit a time based on his effort yesterday.


Cc @locke


I’m gonna get a prize (even if it comes out of my pocket and I’m a tight Tipp cunt) for the biggest improvement between this effort and September. It’ll be % improvement I suppose as opposed to time.

Need to keep lads motivated over the summer

Fair enough but if we are using this time against 5k later in year to assess inprovement, his 5k from yesterday is not really accurate reflection of where he is at the moment.