TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

Good man @Locke

Now @flattythehurdler your rebuttal

Weekends feed of pints had me dying away badly but happy enough with time as it’s a pb



and with a pacer

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Personally I think @flattythehurdler and @locke should agree to run a 5km (not a metre more) solo at approximately the same time some day. Both can PM me their results and then we can settle this grudge once and for all.

Where is the original bet documented? Was it just whoever got fastest in this round?

I genuinely think it was a misunderstanding (one thought that it was this event, the other thought it was a separate one) but when you’ve the pigheadedness of Galway and Kilkenny roasterdom, combined with a dash of Protestant and Tan stubbornness, this will get ugly


The wonky toe moniker does seem to have really irked Locke.
But why wouldn’t he be annoyed when the other lad is firing up other peoples strava records.
This is going to get very nasty.

This could fill the void now that a few argumentive posters have taken a leave of absence

Do I need to look up what wonky toe means?

In fairness if @Locke loses flatty should make him change his name to Walter Welch

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@caulifloweredneanderthal my strava kicked out in the middle of my run but I’ll be honest: stick me down for 36 mins.

It was my first run in a month, but no joint pains I’m glad to report


Won’t be climbing the podium this time, didn’t do much since the 10k and it showed tonight.

Fair play @fenwaypark @backinatracksuit and @TreatyStones great running.

Thanks @caulifloweredneanderthal for organizing again.

I’ll do either 10m or the half in August depending on how often I get out between now and then.


I’m beginning to wonder how I ran the same average time as @Gavrilo-Princip and @PhattPike but had a time that was 10 seconds slower :thinking:

Well done mate, like @TreatyStones you’ve bags of potential, thought you’d run me very close but if you’re not doing it regularly it’s probably impossible to really burst a lung.

Well gone to everybody who laced up, for a small group of lads there’s some daycent times there, 5k is a really tough distance


Great running. Don’t think you did yourself an favours with route selection either? That looks a decent uphill at the toughest part of the run.


You must have been absolutely flying it for the last 0.13 kms. If we were doing a 5.13km race you would have had me bet.

The splits add up to 21:15. Strava has added in 10 seconds somewhere. Sure it’ll make it easier for me to try and beat it later in the summer so :sweat_smile:

Strava must be a heap of shit, 3 of your kms are clearly not kms.

Well done everyone. Final times here - 22 took part, not too shabby especially as team sports are back now. If there are any errors or I’ve left someone out, either
a) let me know, or
B) stick your thumb up your hole


Was hoping to break 20 minutes but never did a 5k before so didn’t know what to expect really. Struggling to get the training in lately between work and a house full of small kids but sure everyone who did is busy in their own way.

What are you going to do in August?