TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

Nice little rivalry building up in the 25 club, I’ll be doing well to keep Tommy Brady behind me

You better believe. Cunt.

Surrounded by hills so no matter what way I go I’ll have a few drags to contend with but they’re a good test anyway

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3 minute improvement needed to break in to the top 10. I love a challenge :muscle:

Why isnt the Wexford lad on the list?

CC @wexford1996

I really don’t know if an actual time was submitted or not. There was lots of to-ing and fro-ing on this the other day, with @fenwaypark amongst those making representations. I originally put it down as a 19’55, had taken it out temporarily while discussions were taking place, and wasn’t sure if this was every truly resolved.

I’ve no issue putting up a time but there needs to be some consensus here

I’ve no issue with it anyways and I think with the 19:55 I’m the only one knocked off the podium.

@artfoley do a poll please !

There’s a time up there that doesn’t count, and it isn’t @artfoley’s walk

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Should @Wexford1996 time stand ?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Walter Welch is still seething :smiley:

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I’d be seething too if I could only run 25:24 after all that training.


I’m happy for you to omit my time. Great to see so many out running and giving it a go.

I’ll just point out that I posted this the day before the 5k.
If people don’t believe that I ran that 5k, so be it 🤷.

They are some shower of cunts not to take your word pal.

Some lads are taking this very seriously,but I half killed myself yesterday, and my knees are still fucked, and suggestions that I should do it again :slightly_smiling_face:
Fcuk that.
I’ll stick to my own from here on.
It’s disappointing to see fellow runners calling one a liar.
The internet is clearly a serious business.
I’ve been told that often enough.

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It’s fascinating to see how ultra competitive it became over a couple of weeks. The only person ever worth competing against is yourself.

I agree. The competitive side I only became aware of yesterday tbh.
Such is life.

What began as a misunderstanding has developed into a windup it seems.
@Locke had already posted his time for this,I don’t think he’s have bet in it against you, but maybe felt confident there was opportunity for improvement there,
Nobody doubts your time but you know how it is

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He could have worn his own watch and avoided upsetting himself, rather than have others dividing out 5k of Matty/Ed/Claire’s times. Now he’s indignant :man_shrugging:t2: