TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

3 lads sub 20
Another 10 lads sub 25
10 others who’ll hope to be closer to 25 in September

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Major backtrack from the Tippo.

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Where mate ?

Is there one last 5k in September?

At 23.55 for 5k (and that was pushing it) what should I realistically aim to run a 10k in? The furthest I’ve ever run is 8k


I’d say about 8 years or so.
I’ve only used the gps on it a few times as it has never been reliable. It’s grand otherwise.
Put it on for an open water swim.also and it told me I’d swum 75m in 50 minutes.

Jesus Flatty, you could nearly invest again at this stage

These things last. My Garmin is five years old and has been used for running, cycling and swimming and is still in perfect nick

Well it’s grand otherwise. Maybe I will. I’ll try updating the software first. The Strava app says it should pair, but it won’t, so it says update the software.
FAO of @Locke
I thought the username was a bit of a laugh until August.
Wonkly_toe refers to tj Reid’s famous WhatsApp video posted on here a while back.
I’m not doing the 5k again, my knee is fucked from yesterday, though I’ll go back to slow steady and see.
I’ll never go faster than that unless running down the river knocked a few seconds off. I was done at the end.
If you want to leave that as my target , and bet username anytime this side of the aif, I don’t mind. I don’t care what you do. I did that time. Believe it or don’t, it’s neither here nor there.
If my knee is better I may race the 5 and 10 again next time, but it doesn’t like it as I can’t run with soft feet when running as fast as I can.
I doubt I’ll go faster in either tbh.
Was planning on a half marathon, but will have to see. I cant go on the road, but could on the river.
Fuckers are tarmacking the path like billyo though :grimacing:

Plug data into

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Take these

The thread shows @Locke has walked all over @flattythehurdler in internetting terms, no matter what Ed’s clock says

Ok mate. He won.

There’s no good evidence for those afaik

Fuck this shit. All TFK battles should be fought in the open

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Plenty of top runners take them. Ive taken them in past and they definitely helped.

Why not take them for a couple of months. If they help great.

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Let them have their own thread for it mate

I’m all about peace and love cc @myboyblue

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Am tempted to do it off road myself, as it would be better training for a challenge that’s been thrown down to me for later in the year. Would like to also see what kind of leg speed (or lack of) I have for the road so might ended up doing two (but not same weekend!)

The Kilkenny killer instinct