TFK Summer Run Series: July Flat Out Five Race

@caulifloweredneanderthal will you average me out and throw me down for 27:55…:a replica of my June bank holiday time. :anguished:

As before, excuse the mangled evidence. We’ve further reason since last month to avoid showing exactly where we live.

Torturous stuff for a butty fucker that sheds fitness quickly but not pounds. Throw in a newborn and absence of sleep for a month.

I only had the first 4km planned out so kinda cheated when gasping then…trundled down the hill on Castle Avenue to finish.


Too much blue not enough yellow

Good to see such consistency, especially after the new arrival.

Well done mate

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That would be very helpful, thank you

I was thinking the were very lightweight, look good too. I think I’ll have to get a pair of those to start shaving some time off

I’m waiting for you and @Thomas_Brady :smiley:

Come on and get out there, I’ll be content with finishing just above the relegation zone on this

i sent you a pm there man

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Done, mate.

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I won’t get a chance to do this lads. Apologies

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Went out for a test tonight and it looks like I’m good to go… Back is 90% good. I’ll chance Sunday morning.


Moving day today lads…

@Tassotti are you in?

A serious statement of intent out of you by stopping 50 yards before the 5k last night :facepunch::muscle:

I was waiting for you to say it … it was for @PhattPike really — a lovely 4.95k run.

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what is the latest I can do it? Sunday or Monday?

I was only gonna do a short spin to test back - said i’d do 3.5 k loop around the block and set off at a decent pace for me and when I got to 3.5 I felt fine so kept going to 4k - but I felt fine here also so kept going… I was coming up to 4.5k nearing 24 min mark and thought I just might do this - a minute to do .5 of a k … I just had one short incline to over come, about and then it was flat for most of it, so I bolted up the incline , got to the top, and nearly died on the spot … I literally went to empty in a split second… the 1 minute turned in to two minutes … fml.


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+1min time penalty for recording it in miles