TFK Virtual Fun Run Series Event 5 (the last one): Flat Out Five Part Deux

Finally got out this evening

No improvement on my last flat out 5k but Iā€™m losing interest in that particular event to be honest


Thanks @caulifloweredneanderthal for organising this. It kept lads busy over a difficult period and raised some funds for charity. Youā€™re a good lad.


No bother pal. I did over 23km yesterday, throwing three road sections into a ramble round the Cooleys. The series helped me get a bit of focus back into my training. Iā€™ll be increasing my distances over next 2/3 weeks. Not sure if Iā€™ll have a fast five in the tank this weekend but Iā€™ll see how things pan out.


Is this still going? Said Iā€™d chuck a time up anyways. As I said before, got injured playing jooonyer at the start of August and have had a pretty frustrating month out of action. Been slowly getting back into it the last couple of weeks, the knee is still far from right. Was fit to calve by the end of this for a finish.


Yep, times up to tomorrow night :+1: great going mate

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Iā€™m all clogged up with a cold.

Sorry @caulifloweredneanderthal, I knew I didnā€™t have the will to beat my 19:30 from the last time so I put it off, thought Iā€™d run a fast 5k during my run today but it became apparent after 600m at 4m pace that I didnā€™t have it in me today so I abandoned, youā€™ll see it there after I passed the 8k mark
But thanks for doing this, runnningagainst the clock takes fierce will and I learned that I can do it, Iā€™m certain it will benefit me when we get racing again.


No bother pal. The series kind of petered out the last few events as lads when back to other types of training.

I kept meaning to do an effort myself tbh (Iā€™ve done a few 5kms lately but theyā€™ve all been just training effort) but other things got in the way, and longer, slower runs off road have been what Iā€™m chasing, so Iā€™m a non entry on this leg too. Work has been chaotic and the Mrs is working a lot at weekends so Iā€™m grabbing opportunities I can to do long runs

Iā€™ll put together a leaderboard later lads. Apologies for my own slacking on this one.

We might reconvene in the new year for a 5 or 10km effort to get lads kick started after they doing the dog on it over Christmas


Ya the return of the GGA didnā€™t help this series. The altitude one was an interesting challenge I didnā€™t get around to doing.

Thatā€™s the one that interested me the most in last couple of months

Weā€™ll be out in next week :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

Chalk me down for 23:12 now @caulifloweredneanderthal. I might give my quick route 1 final last on Wednesday / Thursday. Havenā€™t got out on it yet

My cold is clearing - Iā€™ll try do some Wednesday / Thursday

Iā€™m nothing if not consistent (ly slow)

Felt bad that I didnā€™t get to do the final run of the series and was thinking of doing it today. However, a window of opportunity came up for me to do a long run in the hills. It was probably a bit too warm for these kind of antics but this is my longest run of 2020.

Well done to all who did all five events. Fair fucks to ye. Iā€™ll get the times sorted todayā€¦ Or tomorrow. Enjoy whatever training youā€™re doing over the winter months. I might give something big a rattle later this year. Iā€™ll see.


12k this morning.
Weā€™re back baby.
My feet (both) are killing me. My back is stiff. My hamstrings are sore, as are both knees, and my right Achilles tendon.

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Times below for this round v July.

Runner July September Improvement %
Fran 24:48 25:25
PhattPike 21:19 22:42
Alf Stewart 25:26 23:28 Couldnā€™t be arsed working this out
Locke 25:24 26:37
Mac 21:26 23:36

@alf_stewart is the only one to improve on his time, and is therefore the winner. PM me mate and Iā€™ll send you out a prize

@fran and @mac are the only ones who completed all five events (shout out to @Locke who got disqualified from the climbing challenge for registering two metres, but in fairness, he had his hands full at the time).

Personally I think @fran or @mac are both worthy winners of the ā€˜Spirit of the Seriesā€™ award which I also mentioned. Perhaps it can be a joint award!


Some of @Bandageā€™s park run times have to be up for review.

To check if he was actually running miles instead of kilometres?