TFK Virtual Run Series Event 4: How High Can You Go? the Vertical Challenge

You prick of a manā€¦I went out for a short run for solidarity purposesā€¦ If Iā€™m being logged I might have to do it again.

Do it again so you fat fuck

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Having a South Pacific islander esque physique isnā€™t fat, mate.

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Got out this afternoon. Was fairly bleak. Had 2 or 3 stops along the way.



Iā€™ll give it another go later in the week. Cunt.


No bud, havenā€™t a hope. Went football training last week to see how the ankle was and had to give up after 15 mins. Proper fucked.

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What exercises are you doing for it?

Sitting on my hole, Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll magically fix itself.


Start balancing on one foot for 20-30 secondsā€¦introduce a ball and throw off a wall and catch while balancing. Hop forward on one foot for one foot landing perfectly still. Balance on foot brushing your teethā€¦ Walk around house on tippy toesā€¦ anything that arches your foot is goodā€¦ Spell out the alphabet with your big toe, small letter then big lettersā€¦ You can do all this without leaving the house

The fucking humidity is awful out there, roll on autumnā€¦it was like jumping into the shower with my clothes onā€¦

Cc @gilgamboa


Youā€™ll enjoy your tofu tonight!

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Yeah Iā€™m doing a few things alright, just messing. Trying to ice it and elevate it every evening after the day too. Itā€™s fine to walk on and even jogging is relatively OK, but any sort of sidestep or change in direction, or kicking off my instep at an angle is torture.

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Have you got bands? Pick them up on Amazon for less than 10 notesā€¦get the stiff onesā€¦a world of exercises online for them.

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Well done, the old heart must have been ready to give out, thatā€™s good running

Theyā€™re the fingers of a fat man.

Iā€™ve had no complaints over the years.

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ā€œI never take pictures on my phoneā€¦ā€ :roll_eyes:

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Well done, you got itā€¦

Since weā€™re posting photos, these were my legs after this morning, muck and shit non stop, was lost for the entire run, only found my way back by accident, brilliant

Whatā€™s the elevation on Keeper @caulifloweredneanderthal, I might get up during the week if I get a chance

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