TFK Xmas Party 2009

thinly veiled '‘that’ll learn ‘em for ignoring me in Keogh’s last year’’

[quote=“gola”]Am intrigued by this… I know Bandage and farmer etc are friends already but do other lads actually turn up for these yokes? Find it very hard to believe they do. Very strange behaviour for Irish men, it has to be said.
What the fcuk do ye talk about for the first while when yer sober? how do ye recognise each other? Do ye call each other by yer internet names or real names?
Would be like some kind of warped blind date…[/quote]
Some loser had his internet name on a piece of paper in D2 last christmas sitting at the bar, in the hope that someone would spot him.
Anyway, I’ve met the group twice now and I can assure you they are all cunts.

Yours etc,

Name tags are going to become necessary with the growing members. Function rooms will need to be booked in future also. For now I think we can get by with just showing up to a boozer and cleaning house.

Location ideas should be thought of now. Although I imagine much like previous years the location will be decided either the day before or on the day.

Pack of fucking Queers.

Admins ban this user.

We’re going for a pint. You’re not!


The venue will be announced only to those who declare an intent to attend. If that doesn’t work then we’ll organise a bus to pick everyone up on Stephens Green to go to a mystery location. I’ve already booked 7 different venues to throw the media off the scent.

I’ll decide on the venue buddy.

It’ll very likely be Clem Smith’s. I’ve been in discussions with Clem and Joe all week about this…

[quote=“The Dunph”]I’ll decide on the venue buddy.

It’ll very likely be Clem Smith’s. I’ve been in discussions with Clem and Joe all week about this…[/quote]

Ah jaysus, tis himself - you’ll decide on fook all boy

Mac knows the score.

Yours etc,

On the road outside Kehoes

it’s all sorted lads

We did that during the summer.
That road is no place to be on a cold winters night.

Yours etc,

How about we try this place out :p. It’s featured on the main index page of dublinpubscene.

You know you’ve gone to far when faces start appearing in your pints asking for a drink.

Is this for real or is this just a big joke?

:eek: Of course it’s for real. My previous post was a joke on the first TFKXMAS party in 2006 when we went to Cassidys.*

[SIZE=1]*This wiki entry could do with an update.[/SIZE]

Flano, are you looking forward to your 4th consecutive TFKXMASPRTY?

Ah yeah. Are you looking forward to your 4th consecutive TFKXMASPRTY also?

[quote=“Flano”]:eek: Of course it’s for real. My previous post was a joke on the first TFKXMAS party in 2006 when we went to Cassidys.*

[SIZE=1]*This wiki entry could do with an update.[/SIZE][/quote]

A1 Man. I just wasn’t sure whether this was just a big joke that I didn’t get. I presume that, like everything this bash is always Dublin based. There seems to be a lot of mullahs knockin’ about though too.

4 weeks to go to the TFKY1K+(40.36*25) party.
I’m not talking to anyone with a moustache.

Yours etc,