TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Where was I blaming refugees you weirdo?

:rofl: oh captain, my captain …

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I was in Finglas today between 8.45am & 12.15pm so happy to provide my eye witness observations to any lurking media outlets.


This headbanger who was arrested in Finglas this morning fits the bill nicely.

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Your man is plankton but the Irish Times-owned Examiner went out to bat for its breadwinner with more vim than West India in their pomp today.

Understandable to try and prolong the unfortunate charade as long as possible I guess.

Racism has always existed in Ireland. One only has to look at the treatment of our nomadic people over the last few decades and see it.

Sure ye cunts started this carry on in Oughterard.


It is a bit unusual that this ended up as a major story in national bulletins yesterday, the story itself was just likely to point to migrants and refugees as the problem rather than the system.
Off topic, but if you get a place you get one acceptance letter, if you fail to get a place you get at least 11 rejection letters, you’d be fucking scarred for life, unbelievably stoopid system


Great patriots. Shit citizens.

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why does Paddy hate foreigners so much? Its an awful look, ye simpletons are being portrayed as Nazi’s all over the world at the moment, marching around at night burning flags and wearing weird uniforms

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Why are salt of the earth Dubliners such racists?

There’s not a word about it in the media in Spain anyhow


5,000 odd arrived between Jan - Nov 2022 citing lost or no travel documents. Should they all be given a free gaff? Is it far roite to say this isn’t acceptable, what’s the consensus here from the lads who call everyone for roite? Is that just a right wing opinion, mid or faar?

80k odd asylum seekers expected in 2023. Can the same crew opine if we should have any limits here or is it just show up from anywhere, welcome aboard? If there are to be limits, how are those limits decided upon?



Whats this mate?

That shocking clip of you chanting and shaking your fist on Talbot Street yesterday evening on your way up to the play in the Abbey.