TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

She’s using it as a hashtag though mate. It wont work if spelt incorrectly. Unless its an attempted weird reverse ball hop for publicity? Which i doubt.

Green politican racially abused

FG and Labour supporters think a typo is more noteworthy

What’s an eleccione??


They’re running for a seat in both the Irish and Italian parliament.

Bloody Engineers again…

Bump as regards the post above this one

It’s better normal people see this stuff when the media are suppressing facts about it.

Not everyone is as unhinged, or as disinterested in the State, its beings and its future as you are.

These are just facts and a mirror of what’s happening across Europe. As much as it pains you to acknowledge for whatever perverse reason.


One day that guy was here.

You defend that and those who allow it.

That’s your stance.

Normal people don’t sit by their computers desperately clicking refresh to look for stories to tar all immigrants with.

Nazis do.

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Nice job by Fair City here:

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I’m not in Ireland.

If anyone who doesn’t know this story knows it now, then it’s worth the 30 seconds.

Fuck off out of whatever country you’re in so, otherwise you’re a total hypocrite.

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Self-hate should never trump the good of the state.

You need to do a reset of your commie vows chief.

Or a reset overall.

The most successful countries are countries which are diverse and have high levels of immigration.


Things change and circumstances change though. The bwinvent of the internet-enabled phone has changed the whole conversation for anyone who’s prepared to listen about immigration. There is no chance anymore, no someone being ballsy and taking a risk and working their bollocks off to do better for their family.

Now it’s an instant shop window/Google shopping scenario of what’s best in terms of ease of access/benefits and people checking records. I have conservative outlooks on some things, one of the tenets of that is that you believe that men/women can invariably be cunts and do things to benefit them in the short term. This is what many folk who shouldn’t be here are doing, and if I were them I’d be doing the same. Doesn’t make it right though. Otherwise the world burns. And the world isn’t, or never will be, right or correct.

We are at the bottom of the Vauxhall Conference for this because we want to be seen as good European’s, just because a few folks at the top want a handy job. The hate speech stuff is being trialled with us as were seen as soft touch, and malleable. We did the plastic bag ban and smoking very well and we’ve a gay leader. We’re small and we’re ripe for testing things. And reading this forum, the people who tell our govt what to do are very on the money. Docile people who are happier to turn their back.

We don’t have to accept what countries are in the process of voting against in the future, and as per fucking usual we’ll be last to to react when the place is ruined.

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I’m sure you have a visa for whatever country you’re in. An honest migrant.

I think you’ve demonstrated for everybody right here where your problem lies.

3 megabits and the truth.

On holiday. Phone goes on for an hour at night.

Saw the latest via the right wing Irish Times.

You’re a sad Jimmy Magee.