TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

76% of asylum seeker applicants in Denmark are accepted?

Is this the first ever TFK case of somebody who was previously normal enough becoming an unhinged far right loon in real time right before our eyes? The other fascist freaks on TFK were fully fledged racists before ever showing up here, like those Nazi cunts from Galway @Tierneevin1979 & @maroonandwhite who actually live in foreign countries surprisingly enough.

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Do we need a Poll?

Imagine waking up on the Lord’s day with such hate in your heart.

The far right have decided that the way to win hearts and minds is to attack people in wheelchairs.

Or, as Ewan MacKenna would say, the person in the wheelchair decided to assault the “centrist” gentleman.

Is this the same gobshite that shrieks racist and fascist at people??

Japan and South Korea immigration levels make a fallacy of that statement. Japan’s immigrant population stands at 2%, while South Korea’s is 5%.

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Japan’s economy has been stagnating since the 1980s and there’s a general consensus there they need more immigration?

Immigration is not the same as asylum seekers.


Japan is one of the most successful nations on the planet with a better standard of living than any European nation. None of that was built on immigration. Ditto South Korea.

Actually 13 European countries including Ireland rank ahead of Japan and South Korea on the UN Human Development Index.

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If you believe those indices over what you see and hear with your eyes and ears in this country, then more fool you.

To even attempt to claim that the standard of living in the likes of Ireland is above that of Japan & SK is laughable.

OK, you believe the “paytriots” who tell us everything in Ireland is shit over the UN Human Development index so, that’s your choice.

A good crowd of the Ireland is closed crew were protesting at the old Zurich offices in Blackrock this evening. Is that building to be used for accommodation or something?

These clowns will literally delude themselves against the most obvious realities to advocate for mass immigration everywhere. His argument is but but but GDP arrow not pointing up as a negative against a safe, low crime, high trust, homogenous society with easy access to healthcare, home ownership, high class public infrastructure and cultural stability.


Would make sense, think that was earmarked to become a hotel but nothing seems to have happened.

Some nice code there for racist sentiments.

It’s gas that when presented with an actual respected international measurement of quality of life, youse lot throw the toys out of the pram when yis don’t like the results.

It’s perfectly in keeping with yisser paranoid, fever dream world view.

In fairness, there are examples on the other foot where immigration has driven success.

I’ve always liked the EU idea as theatrically we get a lot of the benefits of migration but also more cultural stability.


Actual data and reality supports my statements, not yours. Like always.

Japan and SK should open up the borders to get higher up the HDI :smiley:

Concoct whatever delusions you need to get by, mate.
