TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

You support the far right?

I think any normal person thinks a man going around stabbing young children is very bad.

We must all unite to condemn the practice of men going around stabbing young children.

I don’t think that’s your aim though. Your aim is to vilify immigrants.

Are the far right stabbing now?

The stupifying ignorance required to be have the cult-like belief that you maintain is scary.

You’re a chaos agent who doesn’t give a fuck about anybody or anything and that’s hard to reason with. When you’ve got nothing important, you’ve got nothing to lose.

You know as well as I do that Ireland has been fantastic with immigration over the last 10/12 years. And it’s worked both ways in the main.

What’s happening in the last 9 months is of greater influence on our country’s future than anything that’s happened before including independence, GFA etc. I do appreciate it’s a global project but we could have taken the Poland (who’ve taken a million plus Ukrainian people?) and Hungary approach who just say, we’re not taking the dregs of North Africa.

You would have been a big Sweden man in your day. They’ve admitted they’ve fucked up and harmed their people for a couple of decades ahead. We’ve to to through the same ultra slow car crash too?


What are my cult-like beliefs? That it’s wrong to target immigrants for hate campaigns on the basis of individual crimes?

What’s cult-like about that?

You’ve been blabbering insane far right gibberish over this forum for years and you seem to think nobody should notice or challenge your racist bullshit.

Now that’s fucking entitlement. You are the very definition of the pig ignorant entitlement you claim to rail against.

I don’t think he’s right wing or a racist, pal. He just has different opinions to you.


In reference to above. An Algerian lunatic wearing sports wear that not everyone can afford (who wouldn’t be happy anywhere) went around stabbing kids in buggies in France the other day on the back of being refused asylum. Do you think that might happen here?

And France is “diversified” country. This shit is going to happen here when the money runs out as we’re a joke/prostitute of a country. You tell entitled North African boys that things have changed and things will happen.

Your grasp of sociology and culture and instantaneous planting side by side with varying means is either limited, or deliberately limited.

This stuff is going to play out and will cause so much harm and grief and injury in the next 10 years until it reverses. There will be people with kids on here now who will be affected but that stuff don’t matter to you.

Syrian, FFS.

My mistake.

@ttown_boy is a fucking mentalist who has been spouting far right drivel over this forum for years.

He has zero concern for injured French children, he just wants to vilify immigrants on the basis of individual crimes. None of those who use individual crimes to vilify immigrants have any regard for any victims, they crave more such victims to justify their sick ideology of hatred.

The perpetrator was a Christian, so on that basis let’s vilify all Christians, or some such bullshit like that. That’s the logic reasonable people are dealing with here.

I’m on the fence with him now, he should have know he was Syrian. Also, individual cases like this should not be taken out of context. His point on Sweden is valid though.

The conversation is about aslyum seekers.

Your baggage about religion is your own stuff.

Fall backwards off the fence if you like.

Get your facts right on delicate matters.

People like you poo poo the real threats in the world and obsess over imagined ones. It’s a mental pathology.

Migration has been going on since humanity started and Ireland probably has one of the highest out migration rates in the history of the world. It isn’t going to end, whether you like or not, and you clearly are extremely anti-immigration. It’s only going to increase. That’s an absolute certainty, for all sorts of reasons. The world changes, it doesn’t stay still, it never has. Deal with it.

Do you think my point would have more cadence if I said he was a Muslim?

Cadence is the wrong adjective there.

It’s not at all.

I think you were going for credence. Cadence means rhythm.

This is how stupid you are.

Mask slipped badly there chief

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