TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

More and more countries in Europe are becoming right leaning because they reject the looney left and the deterioration of society;
Diversity for diversities sake. Pushing chemical castration of kids. Immigration/ asylum seekers. Anger at EU dictatorship. New Nationalism/nativism. Rejection of globalisation. Disinformation plays a part also.

But there’s certainly a huge rejection of liberal ideas happenings across Europe.


Dutch agriculture is off the chain, a train journey in Holland is a serious eye opener


we are heading for war

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Agreed, it’s the loony lefties fault that people are racist bigoted arseholes.

Gouda only knows , either way I couldn’t give Edam .

A 100 years on from the nazis, the 2030s will see the right march on Europe again…
When you think, there’s a whole generation under 35 who had to suffer from the fall out of the 2008 -austerity and then just as their lives were going well they were locked away and lost more years for a bad cold that was doing the rounds 2019-2021. Now you have the likes of @Rocko and @glasagusban wanting to hire people of colour or a certain gender over them in the name of diversity :person_shrugging:t2:


Post reported.

The E.U should be a trade Union and a trade Union only. Trying to govern Too many different types of people under one umbrella doesn’t work. Look at America and all its problems.

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It can’t govern the different regions with their vastly different economies and cultures.

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@Thomas_Brady’s heroes getting the Prime Time spotlight tonight

The Boston Celtics?

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Nothing heroic about them

The government governs mate.

Not sure is this the right thread for this but it was amazing to me to hear an fg TD talking openly like this well within my lifetime :exploding_head:

Big fascist march in Cork today I see, under the guise of some sort of housing protest

The stabbing in France yesterday seems not to have registered on here at all?

Christianity is incompatible with civilisation.

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Entitlement and victimhood will continue to speed the death of society and human connection.

The people you support are those who display the most entitlement and fake victimhood?

Who is there to support?

It’s not sides, man. It’s basic right and wrong and calling out what’s going to be, and already is being replicated.