TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I work with a young lady named “Kadence” Parents, eh?

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There’s isn’t even a mask with this lad.

I can see your point on some things so don’t take this as a comment on your other opinions. But that above sounds like quote from the unabomber’s manifesto. It actually may even be an intentional paraphrasing from it?

The anti-migrant, “why don’t they house Irish People first,” like to ignore these type of reports.
There isn’t a hope a fraction of the 25k homeless people in Ireland would move to abandoned hotels in rural Ireland (not that they should be expected to either).


Ireland against Fascism on Twitter: “Gavin :hot_pepper:’s house was raised at 6.30 this morning apparently. Guards used a battering ram to gain access. His phone was seized in relation to the fire at Sandwith St encampment. Thanks to follower for heads-up” / Twitter

Toby on Twitter: “Political activist @PepGavin speaks on his house being raided this morning by the Gardai. The political policing of Irish people is nothing new especially with a British agent as the head commissioner of the Gardai. @paulmurphy_TD and @GaryGannonTD have both publicly attacked…” / Twitter

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very sinister the comments about Paul Murphy

I didn’t listen to him obviously, hopefully whatever it was he can be prosecuted for it.

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Can anyone who’s anti the new hate crime legislation give me an example of a specific scenario where someone could get prosecuted under it who couldn’t before or where they would be hard done by?

C*nt can barely string sentences together in English.

Sinister that you would listen to that and omit Gary Gannon while mentioning Paul Murphy. Chilling.

Paul Murphy is a figure of hate for the TFK awkard squad

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If the law isn’t being changed then why make a new law……

The former should be easy, on the latter, no.

He never once said they’d find nothing on the devices

Just keen to whip up more hatred against Gannon & Murphy

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Bit of a chicken and an egg so. If it’s not being changed why all the anger about it?

A governent who have been absolutely useless in every facet are trying to push for the elimination of free speech, while lying about it saying that it’s what the “vast majority of people want”.

Are you sure you didn’t grow up in some sort of cult in South Dakota?

Really good on transport, energy and arts