TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Negative on that one.

I often find it difficult to understand how stupid you are.

They were going great guns until the bike rack incident.

I think that was what the doctors said when they tested you for evidence of brain activity.

You’ve long shown an inability to grasp a lot of things though, so don’t beat yourself up over it.

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this hate speech law discussion reminds me of the Homer Simpson second amendment episode.

They are taking away our free speech. Fuck sake.


Chef Gemma starts out on Newstalk sounding very reasonable, Brendan Ogle has a few words with him and he turns into the headbanger he is :grinning:

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Ronan Mullen is not everyone’s cup of tea, but he gets to the nub of it here and will no doubt upset the ‘but what about MY feelings’ gang here.

Pure unadulterated insanity. This is what’s at play.

Just like the nutters that lined up against the Yes campaigns in the marriage referendum and the 8th Amendment referendum, the list people lining up to protect hate speech is fast becoming a who’s who of headbangers.

“We’ve got Bible Thumping Gemma, Sports Gemma, Restaurant Gemma and Gemma Gemma on our side, we’re gonna win”, said no one ever.

It’s interesting the far right are targeting politicians your beloved Micheal Martin calls “Puppets of Putin” and a SF TD who put his head above the paraphet go defend asylum seekers.

Don’t really see govt TDs of FFG getting much grief from the far right.

Who is Chef Gemma?

I’ve never watched the UniBomber thing or know anything about him. It’s just a basic opinion. It’s not that far out an opinion is it? It’s similarity to spoiling a child would have been my angle.

The Kerry lad who was moaning about COVID and moved on to the shared toilets issue. Trevaud (sp)

Paul Treyvaud I’d imagine


Thanks. Had a quick look at Newstalk website but seemed too involved to find out.

Can you give me a specific example of something someone might say or post on Twitter that would have them convicted or even prosecuted under the new law?

It’s nice and vague so they will add in the detail later. Get it through first is the objective.