TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

This the incitement to hated bill?

Generally I’d say it was the kind of thing you could get the head boxed off you if you had said it pre internet and nobody would have an ounce of sympathy for you

It’s the 'go with our way and stop asking questions" bill I believe.

I don’t see how it will limit free speech.

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So you think it’s a positive thing?

What will be the threshold for a complaint?

I stated:

I don’t see how it will limit free speech.

No idea.

I’d say it’s basically don’t be a cunt.

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Enormous wastes of time being spent addressing complaints from gowls who look up tweets they know will offend them, would appear to be the British experience anyway.

We have sufficient laws already.


People like yourself will ensure it gets through. Oblivious. There’s defamation law already there for a few decades. How anyone thinks this is a reasonable idea, and not open and ripe to absolute exploitation like every other opportunity for grift we offer in Ireland is beyond me.

Defamation was updated in 2009.

This is to update our law to keep it online with a 2008 EU decision.

How is it open to exploitation?

It’s all well covered off in the bill.

It’s a Hate Speech bill. They haven’t defined the word “hate”. A fairly important missing fundamental.

Surely you can trust Irish courts to get it right?

It does sound a bit of a waste of time to me the tiny bit I know about it and it also does seem possibly open to exploitation by a future government but I am still yet to hear one single example of something that would come under it from the anti side that has them so angry about it.


Do you need every word in every bill defined for you? Can you wipe your own hole?

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It’s under hatred in the interpretation I think.

Maybe those in favour of the bill should give ten statements they feel would come under it deservedly and the anti side give ten statements they feel would come under it but be a denial of free speech.

It’s the corner stone of the bill. It’s in the name if you have a sec to look again at it. You donkey.

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Would the COTY award fall foul of the bill? That’s the ultimate test.

That would make sense, so it obviously won’t happen.