TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

There you go sport.


Would something like this not necessarily have to be a judgement call by someone and subjective by its very nature. Kind of like libel or defamation of character.

No I mean the lads here who are pro it and anti it. But obviously would be good to hear examples used in the wider debate around it too

The bar will be very high in reality

The nutters want us to believe that you’d be arrested for calling somebody a steamer if they stopped at a red light on their bike

I think it’s more about the type of opinion you have on each of the headings in the bill.

Some are accepted, some aren’t the same as the gang making decisions. Some are representative of Irish people who live here.

The essence of the bill is that there has to be consensus. No matter what. That’s scary if you’ve ever read a book.

Boils down to interpretation then.

I don’t see how it’s “scary”.

Everyone is in a rush to be offended and scared these days

This isn’t a 9 euro meal law.

This is reducing people’s ability to question their government and also denying your children that right too.

It’s wrong.

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That’s why it’s scary chief.


These are exactly the people that are going to be making complaints :man_shrugging:t2:

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It seems to me that 99% of people dont give a fuck about this


That’s how it gets in

By slowly eliminating the option to protest.

No it isn’t.

It’s stopping people incite hatred against other people as laid out by the act.

How is this stopping people question the government?


How is this eliminated.

Constitution provides for freedom of expression and the right to free assembly the 2 tenets of any protests.


Peacefully protesting?

For example like how Trump usually just brazenly undermines most of his opposition.
Capable of saying anything with no repercussions

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Does that 1989 act not cover that already?

You haven’t seen Helen McEntee’s defense of this speech then I guess?

Bags will be checked, posters taken etc. It’s bonkers. If you go against govt, then it’s hate speech.

Do you not comprehend that what’s in vogue at the time will be taken as mantra by politicians who don’t really give a fuck about the likes of Roscrea etc and if you don’t agree it’s hate speech, ergo, people won’t protest and question.

It did, now it also covers stuff about that condones genocide