TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Were you anti vax?

Irish people talking about Donald Trump STILL fascinate me. Democrats have killed America and have put every sinew of muscle into prolonging racism and division.

No, took them.

Do question it now though.

Incorrect on both counts.

It was an example.

France & Italy appear to have far right problems emerging as Political lies & hate speech going unchecked has been taken as gospel by populations.

Nationalist party & other loons carrying on about the country currently harassing Librarians & Pharmacists are spreading a lot of false information online without repercussion.

Bottom line here, if anyone acts responsibly then this act isn’t an issue imo.

I saw it… I don’t recall her saying anything of the sort

Are you saying the Italian public should not have the right to elect the government they desire? Doesn’t sound very democratic does it? That the problem here, the bill is clearly designed to stifle dissent. A slippery slope to one party rule.


Do you work for an NGO? Can see them being the only ones who benefit.

They don’t have far right issues dude. They’ve people who are pissed off with their rape/murder/assault figures going through the roof and seismic changes in their communities and countries. And now having to worry about their kids.

If the media are suppressing these figures then you know the game is going wrong. Sweden is the only country to have breached the surface on this and their results are visible.

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She specifically mentions checking back packs and removing banners/posters. C’mon fool.

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Have murder / rape rates significantly increased in past 10 years in Italy?

Any figures to back that up?

Like they check them going into a concert as is?

Only one fool here and that’s the lad worrying about the place turning into 1984.

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The 1% are TFK Awkward Squad/ dO ThEiR OwN ReSuRcH types


The hilarious part is that there are those that believe the EU immigration system is sensible and well managed.

The lad who stabbed a bunch of toddlers in France was refused asylum in Sweden and just headed off to France. When you have such blatant violation of the rules and then an incident like Annecy, is it any wonder people are looking for alternatives? The cunts in government and in particular in the civil service are solely driven by what they imagine will keep the EU happy, in the hope of catching a few crumbs from the table in Brussels. A shower of greedy lying bastards.


They’re checking whether your freedom of expression is acceptable.

You’re not really getting this are ya?

Sweden went very early with a good heart. They’re the blueprint. I doubt Italy and their men would have allowed the same. Their tourism industry in terms of the islands has been harmed though, that affects loads of people.

Murder & Rape rate increases?

You said….

“ They’ve people who are pissed off with their rape/murder/assault figures going through the roof and seismic changes in their communities and countries. “