TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Let me breakdown for you sport.

Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the constitution any law of the law which is shown to unreasonably contravene this.

If you have issue challenge the constitutionality of the current bill under A34.

Save your faux condescension for someone that values your opinion.

Cheers, Helen.

cc @EmilioButragueno

I see what you did there.

Very good.

cc @EmilioButragueno

For context

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Here you go.


Put out the J. Have a glass of orange juice and Google it you lazy fuck.

I had to google Italy for you chief

Ah, fair enough. Stats I had read referred to prosecutions, I suppose the police time weeds out the spurious complaints.

To 2020? Are you Ceist in disguise?

I’d love to be completely wrong about every single post I’ve made in this thread.

Good news for you then…

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Feel free to post a link to whenever you’re finding recent info

To be fair you come across like you’d be afraid to walk into a dark room.

My advice to you would be to wear a nappy tonight.



Session on disinformation at the security forum now. Talking about the real seduction and attraction of disinformation that is designed to encourage people to think that they are the smart ones the only ones with a clear eyed view, everyone else is ignorant/wrong/just sheep following the mainstream; that we shouldn’t underestimate the attraction to this, particularly to people that may be in some way disaffected.

Remind of anyone? cc @glenshane @EmilioButragueno @gaillimhmick @estebandaface @Tierneevin1979 @maroonandwhite @Thomas_Brady and rest of the headbangers.

The session will be online to watch back, it would be useful viewing for many.

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@padjo @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi @Ambrose_McNulty @maurice_brown @EmilioButragueno

Hard to keep up with them all.

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You haven’t kept up since junior infants

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The midwits newest take - if you don’t repeat the government’s propaganda wholesale you’ve been seduced by disinformation. As the clownshoe is fed this by ‘the security forum’. You can only laugh I suppose, otherwise it’s depressing knowing you’ve dopes like this chap everywhere.