TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

They want an honest broker like tubs to explain it to them.



Exhibit A/Dimwit A

Log back on to the ‘security forum’ there and give us your next approved opinion. Clown

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It’s gas how you consistently manage to be as angry as you are stupid. It must be exhausting.

Unless the gubbermint and national broadcaster says it’s so, it must be misinformation.

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Here’s Tweedledumber along now.

Don’t you have me on ignore?

Do you not have a farm in Oregon to occupy?

I’d say its liberating for you not having to assess anything yourself, a similar existence to a garden slug or a ccp civil servant

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I do indeed, I occasionally click on the hidden replies though.

Does it ever bother you at all to be consistently wrong about everything? It must be exhausting being so angry all the time to go with it. Does it ever give you pause for thought that you are the exact definition of the profile of angry disaffected dimwit that is the target of disinformation because you’d believe anything in order to maintain the delusion that you’re some sort of different or independent thinker?

Jesus, the very fact this has to be explained to you is painful. Governments, regimes, whomever is in power set up ‘disinformation committees/boards tsars/security forums’ bleat far wide through the media and these mechanisms that anyone who disagrees with the latest line has been been ‘seduced’ by disinformation, manipulated etc. Complete smooth brains like you come along and sing the exact line. People point out you’re a clown and you say ‘gotcha’, that’s what I read on the ‘security forum’ !

You dont even know how much of an idiot you are but sure that’s time immemorial w chaps like yourself.


As expected :clap:

What’s the latest on the security forum?

Why don’t you watch it, you might learn something.


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Soz bro

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@padjo what’s the story? Are you a racist now too?

Apology accepted

How many Ukranians did you take in since the war began?