TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence and frequently faulty.

If Sweden has no issues with immigration why did they recently replace a center left govt with a right wing govt, the largest coalition partner far right?

Are the Swedish electorate a bunch of racist red necks?

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You’re a fierce gullible crayture.


TFK Awkward Squad upon reading that

Working Work From Home GIF by Mashed


Pretty much.

In the cities, they’re liberal and mostly vote that way. The large amalgamated population of towns and rural areas are confederate flag waving, jalopy driving, racist rednecks.


Sure the whole right wing headbanger worldview is based on anecdotes which are usually made up, ie. lies.

Ah jaysus.

The horse dewormer theory for treating covid will only encourage the ‘evidence’ seekers out there. A lot of them go to a meathead’s podcast for life guidance these days. Such is life.

If they heard on a Podcast that Maggie Thatcher was an IRA plant they’d believe it.

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The two thickest cunts in the history of the Internet are in with their “wisdom”


After their 702nd booster


God bless the poor craturs.

Yeah silly old me looking at facts, figures and data. I should really just listen to this @Alphakrul1 chaps one story about breitbart and a taxi driver and what he ‘feels’ is happening. Let’s just ignore reality


His point was you sound like the taxi driver. Those are not ‘facts’ in the article. They are misleading stats to encourage ‘angry at the world’ mentallers. It’s ‘foreigners’ that are doing all the raping. Simplistic guff.

They’re not facts? What exactly are they? You mentallers see stats and data you don’t like and then bury your head in the sand/shoot the messenger. Did you read anything in the linked study? Nothing to see here, hey.

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Sounds like a training school for the next generation of paedophiles.

Or Incels

This is hilarious

All I can think of is this

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So they have bought into that Gold conspiracy theory also?