TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

No more than any of the mention of her here, image or not, in fact an image childishly placed but without context is an awful lot kinder to her than other regular mentions

Her recording and haranguing of people outside a church during Covid was very weird behaviour it has to be said (I also get that the guy recording her doing this is an awkward squad type).

Sure they were only elderly Roman Catholics…

If we’d kept vaccine certs like I’d advocated all along those awkward squad weirdos wouldn’t have been allowed outside and the unpleasantness could have been completely avoided.

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Some strange pre Vatican 2 sect or something, I don’t know what goes on in there (mass in Latin???) but definitely not your typical Irish granny and grandad,

Anyway people do worse and don’t get quarter the grief on TFK

Did that episode not happen before the introduction of vaccines? Either way, those people were outside and not really congregated together in a manner which would have caused a significant danger to others in terms of spread of the virus.

Maybe so but you make a rod for your back sometimes if you are seeking or involved in confrontation

Yeah, probably not, I was just trying to be funny really.

big mistake

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Virus spread has nothing to do with it, those awkward squad weirdos should have been kept off the streets.

No, I have never threatened to doxx anyone here, you lowlife. And everyone without a poisonous racist right wing agenda knows same.

But but but: I just got you to show, all on your ownio, what a pathetic lowlife you are. And the ease of doing so amuses me. I could manipulate you into anything with a few cartoons.

How does it feel to be owned? How does it feel to be, in the parlance of you and your lowlife mates, a cuck?

You’re bang on there anyway

The only thing you can manipulate is whiskey into a glass or a mushroom into your fat mouth. You’re so fucking deluded I’d say you have late stage syphilis from all the hoors in the 80s and are treating it with the mushrooms and mercury.

Tell your great little matey mate, the lad who shelved one TFK identity pronto because he got in bother over abusing EO’D online, I post those photos to remind him of same incident. That narcissistic fool scuttled off ike a mouse.

You are so thick that you cannot even make the connection. Which comes as no surprise.

Try to give up your obsession with me. Lent is on the way.

Can someone not intervene here? This prick is making a holy show of himself on a daily basis

He wakes up in a stupor around 2 in the day and off he goes. It’s amazing.

Posting pictures of a woman on the internet to annoy a fella that no longer posts here and he thinks he’s winning.

What a fucking weirdo


Dalo mustn’t have sent on the Fine Wines voucher for the last podcast.

Whiskey… Fat… Living with mother…

‘Poisonous right wing cuck has pea brain!’ Lovely headline for the Ulan Bator Bugle, where shortly will be announced my new column on mycological matters.

They should set up a Willie Wonka type factory where they put you and your mates into a big grinder and use all the little brains to make mushy peas. Would be a prestige product, in a way, because it would take so many of ye to make one small tub. Sure, the moronic right wing cucks of Ireland would become the Chateau Yquem of mushy peas.

And they could bring in foreign workers for the production line, completing the circle

Ten minutes typing that shite :smile: