TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Another big win for mega mind

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It’s the mushies!

He was seeing two of everything on the keyboard there.

Keep showing how utterly butterly thick you are.

Tis very very amusing.

You’ve reached your quota with me today

You can fuck off and be your pleasant charming self with someone else.

Sure, do not feel left out. You can be in that tub as well.

How does it feel to be the Chateau Yquem of purée de pois?

Ah now… Diddums.

So to speak.

You are such a complete tool and I have you exactly where I want you.

But you should be grateful. After all, the gutter is your home. You were hatched there.

How stupid is this fella. Mid 50s for fuck sake, and still thinks he’s an authority on medical issues.

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Keep going, keep going. A cuck by definition wants to be humiliated. And lads need a bit of entertainment after the Bank Holiday Weekend.

To make sure you could not remove it.

You are so flummoxingly thick. I could buy and sell you in a million different ways.

Did you expect posters to engage with you for the afternoon, you pathetic cunt?

Steam Love GIF by Barbara Pozzi

monkey baboon GIF


I’m surprised such an experienced poster like @Ambrose_McNulty has been drawn in & dropped the cloak here.

As long as I’ve been on TFK, you’ve been an arse towel for someone.


Ah well, he is as thick – pun intended – as a double ditch. I could lead him around, nigh indefinitely, on a string. The only barrier would be the utter boredom.

Dealing with someone so thick makes it easy (‘The flippin’ fool copied me doing someone totally TFK verboten, so as to have clear proof! How stupid was that of him, tee hee!'). Dealing with someone so egotistical and badnatured…? Easy peasy – pun intended. I say: ‘Hibiscus.’ And he says: ‘Hibiscus yourself, you prick!’

And the poor little ladeen thinks he is being clever… And I suppose he is, in a way. Thick as a double ditch and bad breeding. The bar on the gate in that double ditch would be wojous low.

Emotional Mushy Peas