TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Grilled McNulty Rump With Peas

Grilled McNulty Rump avec purée de pois.

It’s the auld plasterer I feel sorry for. The expectations he would have had as the young lad headed over to Cambridge in the 80s, arriving home telling tales about all the debates that were won, never lost of course. What did it all amount to? The odd hurling article in the examiner, the odd podcast invite from dalo, bragging to lads on the internet about riding a thousand women and posting up pictures of dogs and peas. You should have stayed at home mixing the mortar for him. At least now, through the education provided here you can finally explain what a vaccine is.

Could the mods move in and tell these weirdos to stop. FFS. Grown men arguing on the internet. I can only imagine the state of ye wrecking someones head in the local bar full of porter. Potholes.


Only one of us is full of porter. He’ll be on in a while claiming another great internet victory, another notch on the well worn bedpost.

Unfortunately for us, we are stumping up for the social welfare, so that himself & @Cheasty and the likes can spend day & night fighting internet battles and massaging their fragile egos.

A lot of people here will enjoy, like me, reading that bilge. And they will smile at the level of obsession evinced with my doings (‘Ah sure, he was a genius, back in his young days, but you never see him on the telly, like the important people…’). The passive aggressive bang is hilarious (translation: ‘No, my parents and everyone else never thought anything of me’). I just humiliated you entirely without breaking the slightest sweat. How does that craic feel? Not easy for an egomaniac, I guess. But fuck, tis terrible funny.

I love the fact that I can get a badminded badnatured fuckwit like you to show exactly what you are. Exactly. Only took a few cartoons. I can read ye a mile off. Not hard, when you are dealing with a vulgar little gobdaw, with nothing in his life except a class of cramped materialism and right wing bullshit online. Imagine how little you have going on to get so very bothered by me. Then again, you would have been dragged up by someone whose spiritual name, whatever her actual name, was Hyacinth. ‘You are what you are reared,’ as one of the sisters says.

Not is all lost, though. You, and the likes of you, could move to Cornwall, all the little right wing pooches together:

Ye could dress up! They have a particular line in dressing up for one festival.

But wait… Would ye be immigrants in Cornwall? Or would being white (and reassuringly stupid) make it all okay? So many questions… And so few brain cells!

Mind how you go, now and all, because egotistical stupidity is a form of intoxication.

Dog Dressed As Mushy Pea

There he is now, stroking himself again.

It all went exactly as you planned, my word.

Dress Up Doc Brown GIF by Nickelodeon

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So you would like to think but dream on. I love to realize how an imbecilic lowlife like you bitterly resents the fact that I enjoy life – without having to hate anyone because of what they are. Your whole life is hatred, because you are so extraordinarily stupid.

Which amuses me.

Now fuck off following me around, like the unwanted yoke you are.

It did. I humiliated you again. You appear to think that your fallback mantra – ‘You’re not fuckin’ famous, you fuckety fuck!’ – upsets me. Not the least of your stupidity is that craic. Whatever my faults, I am not vulgar. Got it from the parents.

But keep going, keep going. I am well used to people’s obsession with me. Badminded fuckwits hate to think someone is enjoying life without being an iota like them. It amuses me that the fact I know a bit about interesting things like drink and mushrooms and hurling so grigs the badly brought up little doggies.

FYI, I’m not on social welfare.


What is your problem? No one is forcing you to read anything here. Just ignore the thread.

I have to laugh at this constant talk of drink – including by you, just there now. The little doggies are so narrow and so stupid that all they can go on about is me being drunk. Well, my syntax and spelling and punctuation are quare good for someone who is supposedly drunk, according to their little minds, all the time. As it happens, I do not drink during the day, typically do not drink on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and have not had a drink since last Sunday evening.

But their little egos need to think in those lines. Otherwise the little egos would pop.

A boil should be lanced, they say. I am just lancing a couple of boils.

You’ve never humiliated anyone on here because no one reads your long winded bullshit posts. I think you’re a grand harmless auld divil whose life hasn’t worked out too well for himself and you let the misery pour out of you on here, especially when there’s drink iinvolved. Your incredible ego is a sight to behold alright but the predominant feeling most have towards you is pity.

Also FYI of the loons here, here’s what your buddies were up to yesterday. And the Irish far right are all either praising this sick criminal act, tut tutting, or remaining conspicuously silent in response.

This below - burning out houses rather than have refugees accommodated in them - is what the entire spectrum of the Irish far right support - be it the thugs on the streets, the gold hoarding elitists like Justin Barrett, the Gemmarhoids, or McLurk and the other con artists at Grift. They all support it.

They’re no different to those who burned Catholics out of their houses at Bombay Street.


Similar to everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife at home everyone thinks they have destroyed the other fella in the internet battle.
The only thing that would decide it is a vote of the general public/voyeurs.
Only people who are not members of the woke crew/awkward squad who are also over 21 and pay rates would be qualified to vote.

you’re about to get a paddling

Of the many many crassly stupid, inadvertently revealing, eye wateringly hypocritical and flat out hilarious statements made by you in recent hours, this one gets the Golden Biscuit Award. Of course you never read anything I say. Of course.

You are obsessed with me. I guess, deep down, it is because you are stupid and unpleasant and no one has ever thought anything of you. You are a nobody who fetishizes being a somebody.

I have a perfectly pleasant life, on the whole, and I like to talk about hurling. Hardly a big deal. Only you ultimately know the lack in your life that puts you whimpering after self humiliation. But I could make a fair guess. And I suppose, end of day, you are a coward. That factor is always there with clowns like you.


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The ego of this fella :smile: