TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

No, I am not vulgar. Now fuck off, you unwanted little doggie.

By the way, you said earlier that I know nothing about work. Incorrect, amusingly incorrect. I am told I work remarkably quickly.

The mistake you made? Your entire unfamiliarity, of course, with work. You have only ever known toil, like all the benighted stupid. The stupid cannot work, you see. They can only toil.

Everyone here can see.

It’s why you hate being called fat, old, drunk and a moron. It drives you demented as your ego craves respect on here. The vast majority of us don’t give a fuck what’s said as it’s only passing the time and a bit of craic. You need this, you poor cunt. It keep you going until you can crawl into that glass, every night of your pleasant life.

Have a good one and here’s to more victories Il Duce!


I nearly would pretend to be on social welfare just to really make you – what is that word? Seethe.

Yeah, there are people out there, some of them black or brown, getting free money and free gaffs. Loads and loads and loads of them. So it is extremely amusing in a way to think of the amount of money the taxpayer will have to fund down the line to deal with your blood pressure-derived ill health.

The likes of you have a horrible life thinking about people who do not have a horrible life. Now, that level of stupidity would amuse Albert Steptoe.

Oh yes. As you have just shown – at some length – you really do not care what I think. Not at all at all at all.

Your ego needs to think these things, I suppose. The alcohol obsession is just part of your inability to understand anything not in your ken. You just are that savage limited.

Everyone can see – even your little doggie mates – who is following whom around. Everyone can see the truth behind the bemusing claim to have no interest in me (or in my father’s past occupation or in whatever minutiae). I never studied in Cambridge, by the way.

So. There we are. You are stupid and vulgar and organize the world around right wing bullshit. There are millions of ye. There is only one of me, as you have attested in all your simperings and slaverings and idiocies.

Bit of toast on the side for your friend:


Let’s hope that’s the case at least.

I need make no assertions, really. You do all that work for me – free. Stupidity always works for free.

if a lad doesn’t want to be replied to on an internet forum, and thinks those replying on threads where he happens to post are “obsessed” with him, would the cunt not fuck off and make a blog where people can’t reply to him. Problem solved

Christ he is still going, mammy must have bought the 24 pack of Guinness rather than the 12 this week.


my insults aren’t vulgar you fucking lowlife prick or some such reply about peas, toast or dogs.

His ego must have it’s own gravitational force at this stage. Bottles of whiskey fly off the shelves when he’s passing and crash into him like astroids hitting the moon.

Problem solved… The delusions of certain temperaments… I am not the one yapping around after anyone.

No. As it happens, you tried it on with me, trying to bully me off here, and I put you right back – right back – in your little fuckin’ box, with your little snuggly Man City blanket.

You start a blog, telling everyone why you hate the GAA. You would have a large audience.

Keep going. I am at my ease.

Dog with Pea Pods

Dance Love GIF by ZDF Magazin Royale

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Attempting to explain the significance of the 10 and 2 grip position and its relevance to the striking of the sliotar when the sun is at its highest point… to Landers & Ken Hogan.

Xerox Machine

i could go on, but what’s the point…

You seem a bit unhappy with life, I’d log off the internet for a bit.