TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Not Smart Enough

You’re being very serious chief.

You’ll be embarrassed when the dust settles.

You need to give it a rest too.

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More fool you for egging him on, we have seen how this rodeo goes on here with lads doing it.


When it’s in jest I’m all for it.

Lads losing the rags though :joy:

This thread has gone to the dogs (pun intended).

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It’s fairly clear the turn it has taken.

And the egging involved?

Lads are getting personal, that’s just weird.

Somebody would want to post a picture of a questionable sandwich fairly lively.


He will be. But his ego will not allow him to realize for a good while how much and in how many ways he trampolined into self humiliation. To granite, limestone is soft.

All the personal insults are water off a Kilkenny man’s back. I suppose I am a bit overweight, alright, but it took a lot of money to achieve that effect. The other stuff makes me laugh. I suppose some people get oddly uneasy when someone knows Royal Brackla from Royal Lochnagar.

The Scarlet O’Hara type craic about his ‘lack of interest’ in me is terrible amusing but pretty bizarre. But I guess the thing about stupid people is that they think, when so flat out egotistical, everyone else is stupid as well.

Anyhow… Here, sung by a genius, is a coordinate that comes to mind as regards several ladeens here:


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Think of the time you wasted with the over and back the last few days. It’s pathetic.

Not as much as you’d think, enjoyed it too.

I never suggested you were drunk but the two of you remind me of someone in a pub who would be.

@Malarkey, Are you gone to sleep it off?

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Not a backward step taken. At the end of the day that’s what really counts

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Its the nature of the internet, meet in a pub somewhere, no issues. The nature of argument online is to exaggeeate and overplay things.

Spoken like a true quisling. I can’t wait to Stanley knife your mature measured so polite interjection. Meet me in a pub, you bastard

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