TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I think the awkward squad on tfk was massive at the time then… i got stick left, far right and centre over it…


And Simon Zebo sadly. Bizarre one youd have thought.

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Every cause in the history of humanity has to have a fall guy. His family are nuts, but his stance is strong and true.

He’s not lying or promoting some mad idea.

Yes, he has rarely played on the right wing.

Sitting at home with a bottle of whiskey to yourself? Come at me if you want, but i find your vile, snide little barbs and tagging of flatty quite distasteful.

As if a banker could ever be in a position to sneer at anyone over morals


Burton defended Union salaries and the Christmas bonus whilst Murphy got a mob to attack her. Murphy is a complete waster and purveyor of negative politics. I despise SF but will take great relish when they take that wankers seat.


Au contraire: he is, clearly. Said idea? That employment law is irrelevant.

How you cannot see this perfectly obvious and not so complex reality remains, mildest put, perplexing.

Heaslippy has a great chance to lower the blade given Zeebs was happy to take the piss of him a couple of weeks back.

Obviously he won’t take that chance because he’s extremely dull.

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You think what he’s standing for his about his school?

Theres no difference in what he did and what those apes did yesterday. Neither were peaceful protests nor have any place in a civilised society

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Let me go back to where I came in: do you think the employment law of the 26 county Irish state is irrelevant?

The experimental basket case of all cases that is Canada have said enough. Let kids be, and let them grow up. How are we fighting for stuff that was normal life 5 years ago.


Is your essential point to me as follows? ‘EB should be allowed to do whatever he wants, in fullest excess of legal considerations, because (individual/religious) conscience trumps any such considerations.’

Seems that way to me on all that you have said, tonight and before.

I would like you to answer this query with care and thought, because I think I have a pretty devastating rejoinder that will ruin your perspective forever.

He had a gentle cut indirectly.Already posted here somewhere I think.

The scenes outside the Dail yesterday were absolutely vile. Headbangers. Paul Murphys performance a few years ago was just as bad though.

The problem is nutters like you don’t want to let kids be. You want to interfere and ruin their lives.

You’re on a different page. And deliberately so.

Why are you being sinister?

So you refuse to answer a straightforward and civil question?

Be honest. You applaud EB’s bravery. So it is a peculiar admiration that shirks the chance, in however dilute a register, of emulation.

Is it that you can sense the nature of my inevitable and devastating rejoinder?

How am I being in the slightest sinister? Using the word ‘sinister’ is mere rhetoric and far from a scenic form of concession.

So, I will continue. I am asking you politely to give your take on a calm and rational question. To repeat, by way of an interrogative recast: 'Should EB be allowed to do whatever he wants, in fullest excess of legal considerations, because (individual/religious) conscience trumps any such considerations?’

I am interested in your opinion of this key issue. You are clearly much invested in this issue.